November 18, 2010

Catch Up Post

It's been almost a month since my last post. I don't really think much goes on in my life that's interesting enough to warrent a post, but I'll do a catch-up one now. We get out of school for Thanksgiving tomorrow and I am SO ready. Holidays aren't for the kids. They're for the teachers. I've had a dissatisfied parent this year (and I've never had that while teaching Kindergarten) so I've been going through a lot of emotions over the past week (when I found out). Of course I felt hurt that someone didn't like me, but, more than that, my confidence in my job performance took a huge plunge. I was basically useless that whole Friday - thus proving my parent right. I've alternated between hurt, sad, angry, and resolved. Right now I've settled on resolved. I am resolved to be a better teacher. I am resolved to win back this parent. I am resolved to help his child as much as possible without sugar coating his difficulties. I have a few kids this year who baffle me. I always have a just goes with the Kindergarten territory.
I'm taking my new Masters class, Current Trends in Reading and Writing. I made an A in Histories and Philosophies of Education and I'm determined to make an A in this class, too. It sure it a lot of work though. Our textbook is made up of research articles and after each section we have between 10 - 19 questions to answer synthesizes and analyzing the articles. Each question has 2-3 subquestions so it's pretty intensive. But it's the only type of assignment we have so I can get used to it.
Church is awesome! I feel so connected to the people and to God and that hasn't happened in a long time. I'm a geographical friend. When I lived in Jackson I had friends, but when I moved to Hattiesburg I lost contact with all but 1 or 2. When I lived in Hattiesburg I was pretty wrapped up in Eric and I had a few friends, but when I moved to Waybo I lost contact with all but 1. I'm sure when I leave Waybo and head somewhere new I'll lose contact with some of these girls. Of course, thanks to Facebook we don't ever really lose contact. We just lose face-to-face contact.
Kaleb is pretty much perfect. He's cut two more teeth up top - molars. Still just 2 teeth on the bottom. Maybe he only has 2. I'm going to ask the doctor when he goes for his 15 month checkup in a couple of weeks. He's saying so many words and is so smart. His little personality is starting to come out and I love it. He's giving kisses sometimes. (most of the time when I ask him for a kiss he says "no" which is cute and sad)
I don't know much else that's going on with me and my life but hopefully I'll be blogging more often.

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About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.