May 12, 2013

7 Month Update

Age: 7 months
Weight:  19.1 lbs
Length: 29 inches
Sleep: Yep, he's basically sleeping through the night....most nights. Sometimes we have to get up and put his paci back in, but for the most part he's down for the night. Still napping pretty well during the day but not really on a schedule.
Likes: LOVES his brother more and more. He's also really liking getting a lot of attention, blowing raspberries on his tummy after diaper changes, eating, and his paci, of course.
Dislikes: Ear infections, being sleepy, and those little teeth trying to come in.
News: He is still in size 3 diapers, but is definitely in the 9 month clothes and sometimes in the 12 months. He can now sit up by himself, roll all over the place, and babble. He hasn't said his first actual word yet, but he babbles with a lot of b sounds. His first word may be buh-buh for brother. He is also starting to learn to wave (to himself of course). Along with that he has been teething like a crazy dude for the last, oh, say, 3 months! That tooth is bound to come in this month. If not, we may need to build a mini ark in preparation for the flood of drool we'll be surrounded in. You're welcome for that mental image.

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About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.