March 5, 2013

Basic Training Part 4: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Yes, I realized I skipped Lessons 2 and 3. I'll get there. I wanted to type this one while it was fresh on my mind.

This week's lesson was essentially on the roles of each part of the Trinity. It is one of the core beliefs of Christianity and still is something that must be taken on faith. (Sidenote: Have you ever noticed how all of our core beliefs are those that must be taken on faith? No wonder it's so hard for nonbelievers to join us.) One thing that was said that I've never thought about is that all of the illustrations of the Trinity have one major flaw. Ive heard the Trinity illustrated as water because it can be liquid, solid, and gas or as corn because it can be kernal, creamed, or popped. But the flaw is that it can't be all three things at once. I thought that was interesting.

God the Father: God has 4 essential roles. He disciplines, provides, protects, and cares for His children. What He does for each person at this time in life may be different. He is a living God and, therefore, can specify His qualities to our needs. The gods of the Romans weren't living. If you wanted love you had to pray to Aphrodite. If you wanted good crops you had to pray to another god. And if you wanted money you had to pray to still another. These gods were silent and stoney because they were just that - stone creations of man. Not the living Father.

God the Son: Jesus came to Earth as a sacrifice for our sins. He is 100% God and 100% man. He said that it was better for Him to leave the disciples because then he could send the "Helper" or "Advocate." Jesus lived among us but the Holy Spirit lives in us.

God the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit's job is two-fold. For sinners, He convicts them of their sins and impresses on them the fact that judgement is coming. I thought this was a very key point. It is not our jobs as Christians to convict lost people of their sins. That just leaves them with the impression that we are judemental (which they would be correct). That's the Holy Spirit's job. We can edify and correct believers, but our job with nonbelievers is to love them, share our story, and tell others the gospel. Not to convict. Love the sinner, hate the sin. For believers, He is our Advocate. He intercedes on our behalf for God. He speaks to us and tells us what is right and what is wrong. He is the living God in us. He is who our temple is for.

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About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.