March 28, 2011

Book Review: Beastly

I just finished Beastly by Alex Finn. It's a modern-day retelling of Beauty and the Beast (obviously). It was very predictable if you've seen the movie or read any of the versions of the book. I love reading different versions of the same story, just to see what changes and how authors adapt the story to their viewpoint. Now that I've read the book I want to see the movie.

March 27, 2011

March Date Day - Camping

Since it's Spring Break, we let the grandparents keep Kaleb for the weekend. We met them in Hattiesburg Friday night and dropped him off and we'll go pick him up today. We went to see a late movie Friday night (I am Number Four - SUPER GOOD). Anyway, we decided to go camping at Maynor Creek Saturday night. We got our tent back from Haley and Josh (well most of it), got some hot dogs and smore ingredients, and hit the road to the campsite (about 10 min from our house). Eric set up the tent while I looked on and then I spent the next hour or so reading my book and looking out the "windows" of the tent at the trees swaying. We left our pillows and a couple other things so Eric took on the role of hero and went to get them. It took forever, but what can you do? When he got back, he got a couple of roaring fires going and made hot dogs and smores. He had to make mine, too because I dropped both my weenies in the fire. It's a lot harder than it looks. It was really nice because it wasn't too hot, the wind was blowing, and we got to spend some time together. Except for the fact that I couldn't sleep that night, it was great.

March 23, 2011

Book Review: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

I know it's only been a couple days since my last book review, but Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is only 155 pages and I'm still trying to reach my goal of 20 books in 2011. (This is book 4.) Anyway, I wanted to see whether the original or revamped version was closer to the book. Turns out it's a mixture of both. Between the two movies they cover pretty much everything in the book. There are still some candy inventions that make it worth the read. Plus, in my child-focused mind, Roald Dahl is a hero and Charlie is an iconic book. Definitely worth the read, especially if you read a chapter a night as a bedtime story.

March 20, 2011

Book Review: The Time Traveler's Wife

I just finished The Time Traveler's Wife (like, 4 minutes ago) and I had mixed reviews going into it. A few people I know had started reading it but stopped because it was too depressing. It's a book that definitely makes you appreciate what you have and strive for love. In the book Henry and Clare are destined-to-be-lovers who have to overcome Henry's time traveling abilities. I don't know if Clare or Henry has it harder. One knows some things that are going to happen but can't divulge any details, and the other lives like we live, clueless and waiting. I haven't really read many books that I wouldn't recommend to someone because I think you need to try as many things as possible. I also haven't read many books that I haven't finished, even if I didn't think I was going to like it because, well, you never know. Saying that, I would recommend it to someone and tell them to try to keep an open mind.

March 15, 2011

Bubble Phobia

Last night I thought I'd be a good mom and add some bubbles to Kaleb's bath for him to play in. I run the bath water full of bubbles, put his seat in (because he won't take a bath if his hiney has to touch the actual tub), get him in his birthday suit, and start lowering him into the tub. You would have thought I was lowering him into acid the way he screamed. At first I thought the water may have been too hot, but I felt it and it felt fine. I tried to put him in again and he curled his legs up so that his knees were touching his chin. He was screaming so much that Eric came in to make sure everything was okay. He basically lunged at Eric to get away from the bubbles. I sat on the edge of the tub with my legs in the water and so did Eric just to show him that bubbles don't hurt, that they're fun. He didn't buy it. I had to bathe him while he was sitting on Eric's knee. He used to be terrified of grass, but now he runs around in it. I might just have to try bubbles later. Epic Fail!

March 14, 2011

Been neglecting the blog for a couple reasons. First and foremost, I've had no computer for about a week. I've been able to use my phone for the basics like Facebook and AOL, but the blog hasn't been a priority. Secondly, I haven't had anything interesting to blog about. I'm still reading The Time Traveler's Wife, I still need a camera, and I still want another baby. I did get to go up and see Amelia's house this weekend. The kitchen looks really good and the bedroom and bath are impressive. I think that once they get their walls up and mudded they'll be able to go faster than they have been. They'll be finished by this time next year. I honestly have no idea how she lives in a construction zone. One thing I realized, though, is that I don't really have a clear style in my house. I guess I'd call it modern, but there are some country aspects to it, too. My goal before we move is to determine my style so I can decorate my new house with a goal in mind.

March 2, 2011

February Resolution Recap

February's Resolution was the encouragement tablet for Eric. I give myself a C. I started it and filled up a whole page, but I didn't write on it as often as I should. One reason is because I tell him most of the things that I would have written down about how much I appreciate him and how awesome he is. He still got encouraged, just not on paper I guess.
Kaleb and I are going to be on our own a lot the next couple of weeks. Eric left this afternoon for Jackson to listen to some concert bands and he'll be back sometime Saturday. Then next week he's leaving Tuesday night for Disney World (without me!) and won't be back until the next Sunday. Take forever! I don't know how I'm going to deal with all the alone time. I depend on him more than he knows. I'm determined to be productive and proactive on my "free woman days."

About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.