December 31, 2017

Blog New Years Goals, Stop Blogging the Rest of the Year, Repeat

Ok, it's that time again. Time to blog my New Year's Resolutions...for 2018. Almost two years since a new blog post. I'm sure there's a bunch of stuff that's happened since then, BUT, I don't recall. Before I get into 2018 resolutions, I feel like I should at least give an update on the one resolution from 2017 I stuck to (remember). My goal was to read 20 new books in 2017. I stopped keeping up with them in June, but I think I read around 25 new books this year. So, yay me! 

Onward to my 2018 resolutions 

I'm splitting my resolutions into 5 categories and I have all year to complete them. Those are the only ones I tend to keep.

1. Spiritual - Read through the Bible again. Last time I did this I read it through chronologically from Genesis to Revelations. This time I want to read specific parts (although still chronologically because that's how I roll). I'm starting with Paul's letters. There are 13 letters so I estimate it will take me about a month if I average three chapters a day. After that I want to move on to the other books of the New Testament that aren't the gospels. Finally, the gospels. Then I'll move on to the Old Testament. I'm hoping that by reading the New Testament first, some things in the Old Testament will have a new meaning.

2. Familial - Be my children's greatest cheerleader. So often I'll discuss their negative traits with people *hoping to get some reassurance that it's not just my kids* and leave out the wonderful parts about them. I'm not going to lie. Some (ahem, most) days are difficult. I think part of it is I'm not fully aware of what drives, triggers, and upsets my children. Not really. So in becoming their greatest cheerleader, I'm expecting to learn more about them as well.

3. Financial - We are magnets for the unexpected expenses. It's almost humorous. But this year we're going to really try to get most of our debt paid off. The goal is that by the end of 2018 all that will be left is our house note, car note, and student loans. I know what you're thinking...what else is there? Let's just say, too much. If we can get them paid off I'll be happy to share what all they were.

4. Health - What? I'm going to make a goal to lose weight? How original! But, really, now's the perfect time. By the end of 2018 I want to have lost 20 pounds. I feel like that's a realistic goal. Then again, I feel like this girl represents me perfectly.
5. Fun - Learn how to do new things. I'm not sure yet what this entails, but I have some ideas. I want to learn how to bake bread. Okay, I have one idea. Surely more will follow. I almost always set book goals for each year, but I don't think I'm going to do that this year. Unless maybe my goal would be to read all of the books I currently own but haven't read yet. Yeah...

So there we go. When I look back on this January 1, 2019 (woah! sci-fi much?) I'll at least be able to see what (if anything) I accomplished. 'Til then...

About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.