January 28, 2013

3 Month Comparison

I tend to think Kaleb at Peyton look a lot alike, but these pictures don't really show it. Apparently Kaleb was much chunkier at this point than Peyton is.

Kaleb at 3 months

Peyton at 3 months

What I'm Into Lately

"Once Upon a Time" is a newer show that Eric and I have recently started watching. While the fairy tale part's acting is way over the top (which we think it's supposed to be that way), the whole show in general is really good. It puts a dark twist on all the fairy tale stories. It's also fun to try to figure out which fairy tale character is correlated to which person in real life. We just finished season 1 and hopefully we'll have a chance soon to start season 2 on Hulu.
Don't laugh, but this stuff is actually really good. It's better than Hamburger Helper and it's only $1 a box. Such a good deal!
There's not a picture for it, but I'm so into sleep right now. I figure I will be until Peyton sleeps through the night. Lucky for me, Eric is willing to alernate nights with me. And even luckier, he offers to take him two nights in a row. Yay me!
Finally, I'm incredibly into the music from Les Miserables. I saw it in theaters and promptly downloaded the musical from iTunes. I now listen to it anytime I'm in the car by myself. (When Kaleb's in the car we listen to Raffi, Hide 'em in your Heart, or some other children's CD.) I've decided on a few favorite songs so far. "One Day More" "Stars" and "Red and Black" are my current favorites. If I come back in another life I want to play Javert on Broadway.

January 22, 2013

Five Minute Prompt: Who Are You?

I am a(n)....

  • Christ lover
  • wife
  • mother
  • sister
  • daughter
  • lover of books
  • new chef
  • molder of young minds
  • pseduo neat freak
  • professional sleeper
  • Broadway singer in another life
  • addict to good tv shows (and a few bad ones)
  • person who wants to be better at everything
  • servant to my husband and children
  • grammar nazi
  • pro-life supporter
  • car, not shower, superstar singer
  • thankful person who hopefully never takes blessings for granted
  • prayer warrior for my family and my friends and tend to ignore myself
  • imperfect
  • trying.

January 14, 2013

3 Month Update

For some reason it won't let me add pictures from my computer anymore.  :(

Length: 24 inches
Weight: 12.4 pounds
Sleep: He's getting more consistent in his times between eating. He goes about every 4-5 hours between bottles during the day. During the night he is SO close to sleeping through the night. He only wakes up once and sometimes it's just because his paci falls out. Hopefully the next monthly update will have him sleeping through the night.
Likes: People smiling at him, getting lots of attention, riding in the car, his paci, and his brother
Dislikes: He's such a happy baby in general. He really only cries when he's hungry.
News: Last month brought us a trip to the hospital, first Christmas, and many more smiles. He's moved out of Newborn clothes (finally) and is in 0-3 month clothes. He wasn't gaining weight like the doctor wanted so we have to go back for a check up at the end of next week.

January 8, 2013

28 Years and Counting...

I've seen these on Pinterest where you ask your kids the same questions each year on their birthdays and see how the answers change. I thought it'd be neat to do it myself. Of course, some of the questions will be have to be modified for an adult.

1. What is your favorite color? Green and pink
2. What is your favorite gadget? My Nook
3. What is your favorite fruit? Apples, with peanut butter
4. What is your favorite tv show? Right now I really like Once Upon a Time, Private Practice, Vampire Diaries, New Girl, Parenthood, The Office, Modern Family, and Glee. At least those are the ones I Hulu.
5. What is your favorite movie? All time favorite is Gone with the Wind. The last movie I saw was Les Miserables and I really liked it, too.
6. What is your favorite thing to wear? Tall boots with dresses
7. What is your favorite animal? Giraffes because that's our theme for Peyton's room and I'm buying a lot of them.
8. What is your favorite song? I'm digging some of the songs from the Les Mis soundtrack ("On My Own" and "Can You Hear the People Sing" in particular) and also Phillip Phillips, Bruno Mars, Taylor Swift, and some new songs that I don't know who sings them.
9. What is your favorite book? I've been reading a lot of the dystopian future books (Divergent, Hunger Games, Matched, Maze Runner) and a lot of Francine Rivers (Mark of the Lion, Scarlet Thread)
10. Who is your best friend? Eric of course!
11. What is your favorite snack? Like I said, I really like apples with peanut butter.
12. What is your favorite drink? Crystal Light water or Diet Coke
13. What is your favorite breakfast? My most eaten breakfast is a protein bar with hot chocolate/coffee blend drink. My favorite, however, involves bacon.
14. What is your favorite lunch? Chicken salad as of late
15. What is your favorite dinner? Dinner out or shepherd's pie
16. What is your favorite thing to play online? These are the days of Pinterest and Facebook
17. What is your biggest prayer request for others? I pray a lot for Patty and Whit and Leanne.
18. What is your favorite holiday?  Christmas
19. How much do you sleep at night? On the nightsI don't have Peyton, about 6-7 hours. On the nights that I do, closer to 4-5. Hopefully he'll be sleeping through the night soon.
20. What is your goal for this year? Be always supportive of my husband through his school.

January 7, 2013

Five Minute Writing Prompt

When I want to write but I don't know what to write, I'm going to turn to a writing prompt. Sometimes it just feels good to write. Today's prompt is:

"I'm Happy Today Because..."

I'm happy today because I have everything I need. My birthday is tomorrow, and I'll be 28 years old. When I was a child, I had a picture in my head of what my life would be like at each age. To be honest, everything after 25 was pretty much the same and 30 was just plain old (gah! yeah right!). I have a wonderful, brilliant, caring husband, two children who are the light of my life, parents and in-laws who are still married, a house, two cars, and a job. As easy as it is to complain, what in the world do I have to complain about? I think of a friend of mine who recently lost her only son in a car accident. He survived being in the army (green beret no less) to come home for less than a year, fall asleep while driving, and be killed. As I talked to her today she told me that nothing else really matters to her right now and she doesn't think it ever will. I can NOT imagine the pain she's feeling and what she's going through. So even on my worst days, I'm happy because I have everything I need. My kids and husband are alive and well and I couldn't ask for anything more.

January 1, 2013

Book Review: The Scarlet Thread

I'm starting to think Francine Rivers can write no wrong. I haven't read anything by her that I haven't absolutely adored. She takes Biblical principles and makes them applicable to everyday life. This book follows two women's journeys even though they live more than a century apart. In one storyline we meet Sierra and her husband Alex. They are a happily married couple who are about to go through trials and struggles that can tear a family apart. In the other storyline we meet Mary Catherine. She is a pioneer woman who is making her way West on the Oregon Trail. Both women struggle to believe in God and their circumstances make it difficult to change their minds. Only when they are completely broken can they find the Healer.

About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.