November 30, 2011

Book Review: Son of Neptune

It took me a little longer to get through this book because I was sidetracked with rewatching The Vampire Diaries Seasons 1 and 2 on Netflix. It was similar to The Lost Hero in the fact that we were introduced to new characters and Percy lost his memory like Jason. Part of it was fairly predictable like all of his books, but it was nice to see some surprises and connections made between this book and the books from the Percy Jackson series. I'm already ready for the next book but it doesn't come out until NEXT Fall. I assume there will be at least 5 books in the series, but I'm thinking it'll be more along the lines of 7 books. If that's the case, it may be a long time before we figure out how it all ends.

November 29, 2011

The Last 24 Hours

Let me preface this by saying I AM SO TIRED. Last night we had some people over to watch the Saints whoop up on the Giants. Who knew the game would last til 11:00? Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with people and 11:00 isn't too bad (even though it was a school night). I figured, 11:00 - cool. that means I'll be able to sleep about 7 hours. Yeeeaaahhh. It would've been cool but when we let Lucy inside a mouse ran into our bedroom with her! I mean, seriously, it's 11:00, I have school tomorrow, and now we have to look for a mouse amidst all this clutter in our room. About midnight we gave up and went to bed. We figured it went in this little hole we found so we taped it up and tried to sleep soundly.
Then today, being exhausted to begin with, school seemed so long! I love my kids and most days I can find something to laugh about, but today I was just too tired. Plus Kaleb has had a low grade fever the past few days and was just fussy. I tried to take a little nap when I got home so my body would function properly, but that doesn't work so great when you have a toddler...even if you have the best husband in the world who would give up his nap time so you could attempt yours. After about an hour I got up and started thawing the chicken for chicken fried rice. Of course, the rice didn't cook right and it was crunchy so we ended up eating chicken and squash which wasn't that bad.
About halfway through eating Kaleb comes in from the office to tell us he has a booger he can't get out. Well, turns out "booger" is code word for button. Yep, there was a little green button in his nose. Everytime he would blow out so I could try to grab it, he would suck it back up. Super frustrating. Finally I got it out and it was covered in snot (as expected). So to repeat the beginning of this post, I AM SO TIRED. Tomorrow's got to be better. I'm going to hurry up and get there.

November 21, 2011

Sisterly Inspiration

When I go to Amelia's house I get inspired to make my house more interesting. Usually I just say that and then forget and go on with my bare walls and clutter. This time I'm going to set a goal for each room. Then, hopefully, I'll be able to post before and after pictures.

Living room: Cover the ottoman
Dining room: Cover the chair cushions
Kitchen: Put away the clutter
Laundry room: Put in a shelf
Office: Paint the walls
Guest room: Clean out closet
Bathroom: Art on the wall
Master bedroom: New night stand
Kaleb's room: Put up second shelf

Wish me luck!

November 11, 2011

My Favorite Place

The clutter fades (though three feet deep)
When I turn out the lights
And gently rock my son to sleep
And wish him sweet "Goodnights."

He tells me all about his day
in his sweet toddler prose
And though I understand most words
Some Heaven only knows.

But when his sleepy eyes droop down
And his head falls to my chest
I realize this rocking chair
Is the place I love the best.

About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.