May 24, 2013

A Few Little Changes

Kaleb has had a rough year at say the least. He had a lot of things going on that were new and he had to learn how to adjust. I'm not making excuses for the bad behavior my child had over this last year, but there may be some explanations. He got a new baby, a new house, a new preschool, a new church, new friends (for the first time he was around boys), etc. He learned SO much at preschool this year and there's no way I would have traded the experiences he had. I always say I'd rather he go through this phase now than when he first starts kindergarten. Yeah, so throughout this year he has been in trouble for roughhousing, kicking, spitting, hitting, throwing, yelling, saying bad words, and a host of other things. Part of his problem is that he is such an emotional child and when he gets angry about something he acts without thinking. So Eric and I implemented a few things that really seemed to help for us.

1. We only have 2 rules in our house: Love God. and Love each other. Everything else kind of stems from that. Having only 2 rules really cuts down on the confusion for us.
2. We have 1 main focus: respect. Everything he does (or doesn't do) we tie back to being respectful or disrespectful. We tell him that it is respectful to obey adults the first time, say yes ma'am and yes sir, put his dishes away, things like that.
3. He is rewarded for good behavior. When he was potty training he got a sticker for going to the bathroom. Now he gets a popsicle or sucker for being respectful at preschool. I don't consider it bribery. It's a reward system. And it works.
4. He has more responsibility thereby enforcing that he is a big boy. And big boys are respectful. He makes his bed in the morning, picks up his toys at night, puts his bowl/plate/silverware/cups in the sink, throws away wrappers, helps fold and hang up clothes, and gets his own snacks. We started giving him an allowance of a nickle every time he made his bed or helped with a chore. This way, he can buy his own gumballs when we go out to eat if he has done enough chores. It's not enough that he assumes he has to get paid to do chores, but it's enough that he is learning about money.
It's not perfect, but he did it on his own!

I painted this owl bank for him and it's where he puts his nickels.

I'm not going to say everything his perfect, but it is SOOOO much better.

May 12, 2013

7 Month Comparison

The most noticeable difference betwen Kaleb at Peyton at this point in the amount of hair Peyton has that Kaleb didn't have. Also, as you can tell, I was still helping Kaleb sit up some.

Kaleb at 7 months

Peyton at 7 months

7 Month Update

Age: 7 months
Weight:  19.1 lbs
Length: 29 inches
Sleep: Yep, he's basically sleeping through the night....most nights. Sometimes we have to get up and put his paci back in, but for the most part he's down for the night. Still napping pretty well during the day but not really on a schedule.
Likes: LOVES his brother more and more. He's also really liking getting a lot of attention, blowing raspberries on his tummy after diaper changes, eating, and his paci, of course.
Dislikes: Ear infections, being sleepy, and those little teeth trying to come in.
News: He is still in size 3 diapers, but is definitely in the 9 month clothes and sometimes in the 12 months. He can now sit up by himself, roll all over the place, and babble. He hasn't said his first actual word yet, but he babbles with a lot of b sounds. His first word may be buh-buh for brother. He is also starting to learn to wave (to himself of course). Along with that he has been teething like a crazy dude for the last, oh, say, 3 months! That tooth is bound to come in this month. If not, we may need to build a mini ark in preparation for the flood of drool we'll be surrounded in. You're welcome for that mental image.

May 1, 2013

Oh The Things They Say...

This week's installment:
  • "I have an oyster in my mouth."  "You know. Those bumps in your mouth." Ohhhhh an ulcer!
  • "My side's been hurting. My mom says it's probably my independence acting up. I might have to get my independence taken out." You do that, dear.

April Goals Update

Read the Bible - This hasn't been as great at January, but I'd say it's my second most successful month so far. I devised a plan to read through the New Testament so now I don't have any excuses about not knowing what to read. It's come in handy recently because we keep having trouble with Kaleb. We decided we needed to revamp our house rules and decisions. We now have 2 rules - based on the Bible. We love God and we love each other. Everything else comes from that.
Thank someone - I've been much more intentional about thanking Eric specifically when he does something. I make sure to let him know how much I appreciate him.

Kaleb time - We've had fun playing outside and going to get ice cream together. We went to the park just the two of us and mowed the yard together.
Exercise - I walked around the track some this month. I wish I was more motivated and consistent with it though. I also did Jillian Michael's workout again. Phew!
Recipes - Well, I managed to get 3 of my 4 goal recipes done. The tomato basil pasta was just so complicated that I skipped it. Crockpot lemon chicken was a success! And it was SO easy. I tweaked the recipe a little bit and I think next time it will be even better. Eric liked it a lot and Kaleb even ate it. Pair it with rice and green beans and it's an actual adult meal.

Of course I tried both desserts. The white chocolate raspberry recipe didn't exactly work out because I couldn't find raspberries anywhere! I improvised and made white chocolate strawberries instead. Pretty tasty. They were better when the chocolate was still warm because once it hardened it was pretty hard. Still good though.

I'll obviously never have pictures on Pinterest because I can't get the plate clean enough. I did some chocolate filled and some chocolate dipped.
Lastly I made the caramel marshmallow popcorn. It was also really good, but pretty rich. I think next time I make it I'll use twice the popcorn. You almost had to eat it with a spoon!

Date Night - My parents took the boys one weekend so Eric and I got to go out to eat to celebrate him getting this summer internship. Sushi is so much better when you don't have to calm a crying baby or chase a rambunctious three year old.
Read - I read the Duck Dynasty book in a couple of days. Now I've moved on to Anna Karenina. It may take me more than a month to finish that one.
DIY - Goodbye DIY goal!

5k - Done and done! I say it twice because I've done two, obviously. I have to admit they're kind of addictive. They're not so hard you have to train a lot, but they're difficult enough to feel accomplished for finishing it. I want to do another one with Eric in November and maybe jog a good bit of it.

Kaleb Quotes: April 2013

  • "Why does that old lady have old hair?" - referring to white hair
  • "That cat doesn't know me so I'm a stranger to him. But I'm a good stranger."
  • "Thank you for me and my family and for not letting Mommy fly up in the sky and crash." (Kaleb's prayer after I got back from WalMart)
  • "I want it to be summer so I can play in the sprinkle."
  • After I told him he was being selfish: "I am not a selfish. I don't live in the water."
  • "I don't feel good. I think I need a haircut."
  • "I got you a flower. Let me wash it first. It's been in the dirt."
  • "No, it's a Tah-rad-i-dad-i-saur-us." (not a Tyrannasaurus - silly me)
  • "I wish I was in the tv so I could be in Barney's class."

About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.