October 21, 2012

First Family Outing

We took our first family outing tonight. Since October is the season of the fair, that's where we went. It was a very uninteresting trip and that's how we like it. We missed the Jackson fair because I was still pregnant with Peyton and sure that I would have him early. Luckily, the Laurel fair came in town a couple of days ago so we didn't have to miss the entire fair experience. A couple friend of ours came with us and I'm sure they were bored out of their minds at the slow pace we had to take.

Family of four!
 When we got there we got corn dogs to serve as our "real food" but they were pretty gross. I didn't even finish mine. We walked around a little bit to the circus part and they had sea lions dancing around. Kaleb sat on Eric's shoulders to watch them (picture out of order) and was pretty entertained for a little while. Once he got bored with that, I took him to get some nachos and cotton candy while Eric stayed with Peyton. Kaleb had a good time looking at all of the rides and really wanted to ride the ferris wheel and the "horses" aka the merry-go-round. Neither of these things happened because 1. he would have been terrified of the ferris wheel once he got up there, 2. the merry-go-round was going pretty fast so I don't think he would have liked it either, and 3. it cost $1.25 per ticket and that's just ridiculous.
The bag of cotton candy was bigger than him
 He wasn't happy that we weren't going to ride any of the rides, but they had a little train looking thing that he got to climb into a couple of times. That satisfied him enough. After our little group got finished eating, we decided to walk around and see everything the Laurel fair had to offer. We didn't walk long. Kaleb still wanted to ride the rides and we were still out of money. We decided to bypass looking around the fair and head to the petting zoo instead since it was free and on our way out. Kaleb got to feed the animals carrots. At first he was pretty shy (or scared) but eventually he fed the goats, llama, and a few other things I can't pronounce. He wasn't too keen with feeding the giant goat with horns so Eric took that one.
His favorite was the llama because of the song "Down by the Bay" in which the llamas eat their pajamas. That's his favorite part.
 After we left the petting zoo, Kaleb got a green balloon and we headed to the car. Let me just say that it takes a lot more time (and effort) to get two kids ready to go than one. Even if one of them doesn't move or talk. All in all it wasn't a bad experience. Peyton slept the whole time and I got to hear the "awww"s from the people who saw me carrying him.
Here's the out of place picture of Kaleb looking at the se lions dance. Oh yeah, in front of a tank.

October 20, 2012

Forty Weeks

How Far Along: 40 Weeks
Size of Baby: He was 7 lbs and 12 oz and was 21" long. We were way off...thank goodness!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I was at + 12 for the pregnancy and now I'm down to -8. Yeah, I weigh 8 lbs less than when I got pregnant.
Maternity Clothes: I'm still in some maternity pants, but I've been able to wear some of my regular shirts again.
Movement: He's not much of a mover now that he's born. He's a good sleeper though.
Gender: It's a boy! Peyton Graham Satterwhite
Sleep: He's doing great! He sleeps most of the day (and night really) and only wakes up to nurse or when he has a dirty diaper. I'm not saying it's easy, but it's very managable.
What I Miss: I'm super content right now. I guess I could say I miss the "ease" of one child.
Cravings: Happy to say that all my cravings have been satisfied. However, my body isn't used to my new old diet and my stomach's been hurting because of all the carbs. Now that I've eaten everything I was denied I'm back to a lower carb diet. Sorta...
Symptoms:  Ohhhhh recovery
Best Moment This Week: The little guy I'm holding.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Watching Peyton grow up to be a little boy.

October 14, 2012

Peyton's Birth Story

There were several days when I just KNEW Peyton would be born...but wasn't. Those stories are for another day. This is the story of Peyton's birthday. I was scheduled to be induced on quite possibly the coolest birthday ever: 10-11-12. No one thought I'd make it to that date. Not me, my doctors, friends, coworkers, family, no one. But I did. We got to the hospital at 5:30 am and got checked in. My doctor predicted that if I got there at 5:30, they'd break my water by 8:00, and I'd have him by lunch. I was a bit skeptical. First of all, why would it take 2 1/2 hours for them to break my water? Then, only be in labor and delivery for 4 hours? Really? Well, sort of. We got into the room and I changed into the lovely gown. I had to answer the typical questions about whether I was a smoker, was I taking prenatal vitamins, etc. Eric and I just kind of sat around and waited for awhile before the nurse came in to check me. I was 4 cm dialated, which is what I was a week ago during one of Peyton's non-birthdays. The next time she came in I expected her to start the pitocin and break my water. Ooooohhhh not yet. First I had to experience something I never thought I would - an enema. I won't go into the details, but I'll just say it wasn't as terrifyingly awful as I was imagining. ANYWAY, after that she finally started me on pitocin and things got going.
The doctor came in about an hour later (9:30 at this point) to check the progress, but still didn't break my water. I was really getting discouraged because it seemed like this would be a long labor and delivery like with Kaleb's. I wasn't really feeling the contractions all that much so 30 minutes later the nurse came in and upped the pitocin again. I started feeling things, but it wasn't anything like what I'd heard contractions were like. The nurse said I had a "uterus of steel" and upped me again. Now it was 10:30 and I was feeling them pretty good. Still not awful, just like cramps. At 11:10 my water broke on it's own. Yay! I probably waited 10 minutes and then I was asking for the epidural. Now, before you start calling me a sissy, you need to understand something. These contractions weren't very spaced out. I'd have one and then 20 seconds after it let up I'd have another one. I kept thinking that things were moving along a bit quicker than I was expecting.
By the time the doctor came to give me the epidural, I might as well have sent her away. The contractions were blindingly painful and I thought I was going to be paralyzed by the epidural because I couldn't be still long enough for her to get the needle in. At one point, while I was sitting on the edge of the bed, I had this urge to push. The nurses kept telling me to breathe and not to push, but I knew then that I wouldn't be "laboring" very much longer. Sure enough, after I was laid back down, before the epidural even kicked in, the doctor checked me and I was fully dialted. I went from 5 1/2 cm to 10 cm in about 10 minutes. No wonder it hurt so much. I didn't even get to feel the benefits of my epidural before it was time to start pushing.
As Eric said, the atmosphere changed instantly when the doctor declared I was fully dialated. It went from a calm, almost hotel-like atmosphere, to a delivery room atmosphere real quick. I heard them asking for a "baby catcher" (what?) and they were getting their gowns on toot sweet. I was scooted to the edge of the bed and the leg thingys were put up. Keep in mind, I could feel all of this because the epidural wouldn't kick in for another 5 minutes or so. The way things were progressing I (and I think everyone else) was expecting 2 pushes and a baby. Not so. Granted, I didn't have to push as long as with Kaleb (2 1/2 hours) but it wasn't as fast as the labor part. I probably pushed for 45 minutes to an hour before they decided to use forceps. I was super relieved because there was no way that kid was coming out on his own. Once the doctor got the forceps, I pushed twice, maybe three times, and out came his head. A few seconds later the rest of him was born and I could see just how amazing he was!

He started crying and relief washed over me. They took him to the warmer right by my bed and, after he warmed up a bit, was just as content as could be. So far he's proven to be just as chill as a baby. He weighed 7 lbs, 12 oz and was 21 inches long. Exactly the same measurements as Kaleb! He got cleaned up a bit and then I got to hold him. He looked like a little bitty old man. He was so wrinkled and scrunchy, but he was also so perfect. He is great at nursing and is just as content as he could be. Peyton's birth experience was so different than Kaleb's and I'm excited to see how he and Kaleb will be alike and different as they grow up.

October 10, 2012

Thirty Nine Weeks

Yay! Last one! I've been cramping today so I though I'd go ahead and put the picture up just in case he decides to come tonight.

How Far Along: 39 Weeks
Size of Baby: We'll see tomorrow!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm hanging tight at +12 for this week and thereby the pregnancy. That's alot better than the +40 the first go around.
Maternity Clothes: Most definitely. I'm starting to think that maternity clothes should come with a built in belly button flap to hide the outie.
Movement: He's a bit out of room at the moment, but he's still meeting his 10 times in a 12 hour period quota.
Gender: It's a boy! Peyton Graham Satterwhite
Sleep: During school I'm fine, but as soon as I get home it's like I can't move. Bed is my friend.
What I Miss: I'm anticipating the answer being sleep very soon.
Cravings: Kit Kats
Symptoms: Feeling the low pressure system moving in.
Best Moment This Week: KNOWING that there won't be another weekly update post without baby Peyton.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Having this baby! Being able to see him and hold him.

October 4, 2012

A Teacher's Dilemma

I love my job. I know I'm blessed to even be able to type that, but it's true. I've always wanted to teach, and now that I'm a teacher I know that it's what I was meant to do. But being a teacher poses a dilemma. Okay, it poses many dilemmas, but one in particular that is relevant to me at this point in time: maternity leave. I'm caught between two loves. On one hand, I can't wait for Peyton to get here so I can snuggle with him and just take him in. I'm so excited to spend 6 weeks getting to know him as only a mother can. I can't say I'm particularly looking forward to the sleepless nights and recovery of childbirth, but I know that those things are only temporary. On the other hand, I have 20 children already at school. I don't love them as my own, but I do love them, and I'm concerned about their progress. I get extremely nervous about leaving them for 6 weeks with another teacher who doesn't know them as well as I do. I know what they are good at, what they struggle with, who they get along with, who they have a little crush on, and who they need to avoid. As capable as the sub teacher is going to be, I know that I can deliver the lessons a particular way that will be best for them. I'm trying to prepare my students and my sub as best as I can, but eventually I'm going to have to let go of my school children to focus on my real, newborn child. I know how this post must sound. Like I don't love my children as much as my students. That's incredibly NOT true. But to say that I won't worry about them and ask about them is also incredibly not true. Like I said, it's a teacher's dilemma. If you teach (and you love it), you get it.

October 3, 2012

Thirty Eight Weeks

Just got finished walking around the block 4 times in an attempt for this to be the last weekly pregnancy photo.

How Far Along: 38 Weeks
Size of Baby: The doctor guesses that he'll weight 8 lbs 3 oz. I'm leaning more along the lines of 8 lbs 8 oz. I hope she's right.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm hanging tight at +12 for this week.
Maternity Clothes: Most definitely
Movement: This kid sure is active. When I went to my appointment today his heartrate was in the 160s when it's normally in the 140s. I started to panic a little, but the nurse and the doctor both said it was because he was moving around so much.
Gender: It's a boy! Peyton Graham Satterwhite
Sleep: Every night I go to sleep thinking I'm going to wake up to my water breaking. No such luck yet.
What I Miss: Peace of mind. I'm so nervous that I'm going to go into labor and not know it or wait too long to go to the hospital and end up having him in the car. I'll be glad when I actually go into labor just so I can stop worrying about it. But then I'll be worrying about the delivery...
Cravings: Pizza. More specifically, pepperoni and black olive personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut.
Symptoms: Just trying to stay calm. I've been feeling a lot of pressure low down so I'm thinking that's him getting ready to make his appearance.
Best Moment This Week: I'm dialted to 4 cm and I'm 80% effaced so that should mean my labor will be fairly short when it actually gets here.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Having this baby! Being able to see him and hold him.

October 2, 2012

Itty Bitty Reminders of What's to Come

As I was sorting through the last of the baby stuff and getting everything ready for Peyton, I came across a few things that made me say "Awwww." I really needed that today. I need to remember that, even though I'm tired of waiting, when he gets here, Peyton will be here for me to love on and cuddle with and enjoy. So here are the itty bitty reminders of what's to come.
Peyton will be here around Halloween time. I'm not sure if this will even fit his head, but it's just so cute I'll try it anyway.

This was Kaleb's and I think it's just adorable.

These next few I had to take a picture next to my phone just to show how small they really are. This is a newborn diaper! It seems unreal to me that anything could fit in something so tiny. And if I remember correctly, they were too big for Kaleb at first. Of course, the way Peyton's growing, I may need to bring some 1s too.

Ok, c'mon. Shoes that are smaller than a cell phone! Awwww

And finally, tiny little socks. Oh my goodness. I can't wait to kiss the little toes that will go in them.

SO Different Already

Everyone says that every child is different. Well, Peyton hasn't even been born yet and the experience is already completely different than when I was pregnant with Kaleb. I was scheduled to be induced with Kaleb (which, technically I am with Peyton, too) because of the gestational diabetes (okay, another similarity), but this go around I don't think I'll make it. It's supposed to be the 11th, but I've been having a lot of contractions and feeling him really low. I've dialated at least 3 cm (last update was a week ago) and I'm sure I've dialated more since then. I'll be surprised if I'm not 4 cm when I go to my doctor's appointment tomorrow just because I've been having so many contractions. I'm hoping that after I see her tomorrow she'll tell me that I've dialated enough that I can just go on to the hospital, ahve them break my water, and get this started. But if not, it's more waiting. That's one thing that I wasn't ready for. The waiting and anticipating. I'm ready for this thing to happen already! I have this huge fear that I'm going to be at school and not be able to make it to the hospital in time to have him. When I'm at home I'm more aware of the contractions and can time them better. But when I'm up teaching I'm vaguely aware that I'm having one, but can't pay enough attention to it to time it or tell if they're coming with any type of consistency. That's why I kind of just want to start my maternity leave even though I have about a week until I know I'll HAVE to start it. I'm just tired of worrying about it. Who knows? Maybe Peyton will decide now's the time and today's the day and I won't have to think about it anymore. But probably not since I haven't had many contractions this morning. I almost feel stupid typing that I won't know when I'm in real labor. In all the movies the women are so sure because they're doubled over in pain or their water has broken in the middle of a huge fight. Well, the truth is that water breaking only happens at the beginning of labor for about 12% of women. And that 75% of the time it doesn't break until you've reached 9-10 cm. I guess the other 13% breaks sometime during labor...I don't know. But I've been thinking this whole time that I'm okay until my water breaks....well, chances are that may not happen for me. Another fun fact: my doctor said that real contractions could feel just like Braxton-Hicks contractions but just be more consistent and get closer together. Well, Braxton-Hicks contractions don't really hurt. I was counting on the pain as another indicator that I was in true labor. Now what? I guess just time the contractions I get whether they're painful or not. Another thing that's happening is that I'll have contractions all day but they're 7-10 mintues apart. The doctor said wait until they're 5 minutes apart for an hour. Yesterday when I was cleaning up some I had them about 3 minutes apart for 45 minutes. Once I finished and sat down, they slowed way down to 10 minutes apart again! My body is just fighting this consistency thing. I mean, I guess I wasn't in true labor after all because I didn't have the baby last night, but it makes me feel ridiculous to take a day off work because I think I'm going to have him and then not. It's all just a guessing game and it is for the birds!

About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.