February 28, 2013

Kaleb Quotes: February 2013


"Tractors poop grass."
"I just want a hundred of them" (talking about cookies)
"You better put on your mask." when I went into the bathroom
"My daddy didn't make me a banana"
When he wants to change activities he says he doesn't love it anymore. He'll say "I don't love to color" or "I don't love to eat oatmeal."
"I'm not a snowman. I'm a snowkid."
"Daddy snores just like a bear."
"You have to put a band aid on your arm when you have bleed on it."

February 23, 2013

Poems for my Boys

I'm really putting myself out there with this post. I wrote a couple of poems. One for each boy. Here they are. (Disclaimer: Not sure why Peyton's Poem is double spaced, but I can't fix it. Kinda drives me crazy but oh well)

Kaleb's Poem:

“My Favorite Place”
The clutter fades (though three feet deep)
When I turn out the lights
And gently rock my son to sleep
And wish him sweet "Goodnights."

He tells me all about his day
in his sweet toddler prose
And though I understand most words
Some Heaven only knows.

But when his sleepy eyes droop down
And his head falls to my chest
I realize this rocking chair
Is the place I love the best.

 Peyton's Poem:

“Baby of Mine”

Sweet chubby cheeks

Eyes that shine

Dimpled arms

Have that baby of mine


Soft little coos

Giggles I pine

Oohs and ahhs

Have that baby of mine


Skin like velvet

Hair so fine

Pudgy little legs

Have that baby of mine


A mother in love

A daddy so kind

A brother for fun

Have that baby of mine.

February 19, 2013

Peyton's Sleepy Mix

Kaleb had a CD for sleeping when he was an infant so I wanted to make one for Peyton, too. I wanted to have different songs on Peyton's, but a few of them are just so good that they're on both. Check them out and enjoy!

1. "Moon River" - Frank Sinatra
2. "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" - Iz
3. "Arms of the Angel" - Sarah McLaughlin
4. "Hallelujah" - Rufus Wainwright *
5. "Landslide" - Fleetwood Mac
6. "Blackbird" - The Beatles
7. "Make You Feel My Love" - Bob Dylan
8. "Dream a Little Dream of Me" - Mamas and the Papas *
9. "Mexico" - Jump Little Children *
10. "Baby Mine" - Alison Kraus
11. "Don't Know Why" - Norah Jones
12. "Scarborough Fair" - Simon & Garfunkel
13. "Down to the River to Pray" - Alison Kraus
14. "Don't You Remember" - Adele

* songs that are on both CDs

February 14, 2013

Book Review: Matched Trilogy

I think I can safely say that the whole dystopian future world idea has been sufficiently milked for all it's worth. I really like the genre that's come of it, but it's kind of like the vampire overkill. The Hunger Games started it and is by far the best trilogy of its kind that I've read. I've also read The Maze Runner trilogy and enjoyed it alot, too. Likewise the Divergent series is really good (c'mon and finish the third book!). Now that I've finished the Matched trilogy I can report that it's a solid mixture of the other three series. It's about a Society (yes, capital S) that controls everything. There are only 100 poems, songs, stories, history lessons, paintings, etc that exist from the previous society..aka..ours. The Society controls everything, including when you die, what your job is, and who you are matched to. The series is about a girl who is matched to two people and she has to choose which boy to love - the best friend or the long ago acquaintance who she never really thought about in that way. (Gale and Peeta basically) I don't think you really have to read this series if you've read the other ones. It's pretty predictable and didn't do much to enrich my imagination. That said, if you are REALLY a fan of the dystopian setting, go for it. It definitely falls into that category.

February 12, 2013

Basic Training Part 1: My Story

Eric and I are going through Basic Training at our church. It is essentially teaching us how to train others to be disciples of Christ. One problem with American churches is that we aren't reaching the people. Churches aren't growing like they should be. With this program, we are being trained to be disciples that fulfill the great commission. As we were writing and then reading our testimonies in small groups, the discussion began that this felt so weird and unnatural. And that's not good. We should be so familiar with sharing our testimonies that it's second nature. So the fact that it feels odd to talk about our faith scares me. Lesson 1 was all about answering the four basic questions: What do I say? Who do I tell? How do I stay accountable to discipleship? and What if they say yes?
What do I say? My story. People can refute facts and figures all day, but they can't deny an experience you've had. This should only be 1-2 minutes long. Short and sweet. Real. Here's my story.

I don't remember a time when I didn't know Jesus or when I hadn't heard of Him. I became a Christian when I was eight, and even though I don't have anything to compare it to, I know that I'm a different person with Jesus in control of my life than I would have been without Him. It used to bother me that I didn't have a dramatic story of my two different lives until I realized that God spared me from all of the "rock bottom" experiences. I have always been able to go to Him when I felt alone or scared or sad. Twenty years later, I still feel that same amount of love that I always have. I'm a worrier and a planner by nature. Recently my husband and I decided that he should quit his job and go back to school. That was a time when a lot of things were up in the air, but I didn't have to stress over them because I felt a peace that God would work everything out. And He did. In a matter of two weeks, we sold our house, found a new place to live, and moved in. That was a surefire example of God being in control of my life.
Who do I tell? The people God has placed in your life. The people you have relationships with. Your friends and family.
How do I stay accountable to discipleship? Be in a small group that is doing what you are doing.
What if they say yes? Present the gospel and, essentially, the Roman Road.
One thing I loved that Jonathan said was we need to keep it simple, but not keep it easy. Being a Christian is about surrendering every part of your life. It's not supposed to be easy. BECOMING a Christian is simple, but BEING a Christian is a lifelong commitment to God.

February 11, 2013

4 Month Comparison

4 month Kaleb at the beach - he smiled ALL the time

4 month Peyton at home - he smiles too but it's hard to catch

4 Month Update

What a little stinker!
Age: 4 months old
Weight: 14.2 lbs
Length: 26 inches
Sleep: This little dude will NOT sleep through the night. We've started the cry-it-out method, but he still wakes up to eat once at night. By adding baby food and rice cereal to his bottle, hopefully we'll finally be able to sleep.
Likes: carrots, smiling, looking at his brother, his teachers at daycare, being held and talked to
Dislikes: being hungry and losing his paci
News: He started baby food this month! It was in an effort to help him sleep through the night, but alas! It didn't work. But anyway, he really likes baby food and sleeps hard when he's done. But it's still not all night. He has also moved into size 2 diapers (which is a pity because we have a giant box of 1s left) and is hovering around the 6 month clothes. He kind of jumped from 0-3 months to 6 month clothes.

February 3, 2013

Peyton Picture Post Milestone: Baby Food

Getting everything ready for my Cool Dude. Bib, spoon, carrots (which Kaleb decided should be his first food)

Trying it for the first time
Paci appetizer

Mmmmm ~ He loved it! He cried whenever we took a break from feeding him.

Kid is OUT like a light. I guess he's just been starving for that baby food all this time. Hopefully this will seal the deal on him sleeping through the night.

February 1, 2013

January Goal Wrap Up

Read the Bible - I did really good at the beginning of the month. I memorized a lot of verses in Psalms and felt really good about it. Then I slacked off. I didn't read my Bible daily, but I definitely read it more than I usually do.
Thank someone - I realized that I thank people all the time so I'm amending my goal. Instead of just thanking someone I need to intentionally thank someone for something they've said or done. Not just thank them for handing me my plate or something similar.

Kaleb time - Kaleb and I had a really good play time the first week. I threw him on the bed about a thousand times and then we rolled around on the bed. It was some high quality one-on-one time with him laughing and hopefully making memories.
Exercise - I wouldn't say it was every week, but there were some weeks when I exercised more than once so I'm just going to average them and call it a win. My February goal is twice a week.
Blog - I absolutely wrote more blog posts this month. My thing is, sometimes I just don't know what to write about. The picture aspect of the blog was down for a little bit, but overall I'm pleased.
Recipes - Once again, I didn't do one each week, but I did cook some new things. Tomorrow I'm going to make a honey rub pork loin to start of February.

Date Night - For my birthday we went to Hattiesburg and saw Les Mis. I'm a sucker for musicals and this one was no exception. Granted, it wasn't a very happy movie but with a title that translates to The Miserables, what do you expect? Nevertheless, I couldn't stop singing the songs for the next few days. Then we went to Red Lobster and enjoyed a dinner without having to tell a 3 year old to sit down or stop yelling or to eat his macaroni. Quailty adult date time.
Read - I read a couple of books in the same series. I've been so tired at night that it's been a struggle to read every night. Also, I'm not terribly into the series I'm reading, but now that I've started it I have to finish it. I'll do a whole other post about the series when I finish this last book.
DIY - Ummm fail. I didn't do anything DIY. I'll get 'em next time.

5k - Well, I'm officially signed up for The Color Me Rad run in Jackson on March 23 and The Color Run in Atlanta on April 6. Just a few more weeks to get ready!

About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.