April 28, 2013

An Impromptu Beach Trip

Yesterday was a good day. It felt great outstide, the kids were in good moods, we didn't really have any plans for the day, and Eric and I felt up for anything. We decided to go on a day trip to the beach since it's only about 2 hours from our house. In order to make the trip bearable we thought it would be a good idea to drive during naptime. On our way out of Laurel we stopped to get lunch for us and Kaleb. McDonald's took so long that by the time we actually got the Happy Meal Kaleb was asleep. We asked him if he wanted to eat or continue with his nap and he indicated he wanted to eat. You know what's incredibly cute? A sleeping little boy trying to eat a chicken nugget. He would take a bite (eyes shut), chew it a little bit, and fall asleep. When we tried to take his chicken nugget away, he would lift it back to his mouth and take another sleepy bite. Needless to say, he didn't even make it through one chicken nugget before he was out for the count. We just saved his food for when he woke up. After we got through Hattiesburg, and close to Paul B., he woke up and ate his Happy Meal then he wanted to sing songs the rest of the way down there. You know the cliche of "Are we there yet?" Yeah, it's from a three and a half year old on his way to the beach for the first time in his memory. He's definitely been to the beach before...several times. He just doesn't quite remember it. Here's a little montage of his beach experiences:

This was Labor Day 2 years ago in Destin
He was about 10 months old in St. John

This was about 4 months old in Orange Beach
So there ya have it. He's been there and done that. But, like I said, he doesn't remember it. This was, however, Peyton's first trip to the beach. Once we got there we got the boys sunlotioned. (I'm not sure that's even a word)

The view and the water was very typical of the Mississippi Gulf Coast. We didn't spend too much time in the water for obvious reasons.
Glove in the water

This wasn't the prettiest view, but since Kaleb's obsessed with excavators we picked it anyway.

The dirt that polluted the water. No blue waters here.
Kaleb had fun digging in the dirt, being buried, and making castles with Eric and me.
Playing with Daddy

Burying his legs

Playing with Mommy
He also enjoyed running around on the water's edge, filling up a tupperware container with water, and pouring that water all over the sand. To dry off he rolled around in the sand. Yep, we had to change him. Tip: Wear beach clothes and always bring a change. Maybe two.

Peyton had a good time, too for the most part. He loves watching his brother and since he's not crawling or walking he pretty much sat up or laid down and did that the whole time.


There was one point where he was sitting up and then reached for something and fell face first in the sand! It covered his whole head from his hairline to his chin. I would have taken a picture if I didn't think he was going to scratch his eyes with the sand. It took a lot of wiping but I finally got most of it off. It was harder to get it off his eyelids and eyelashes (poor baby!) butI fed him a bottle and while he was taking it I worked on his eyes. Tip: Keep some dry material with you. We used an extra pair of shorts this time.

While Peyton was taking his bottle, Kaleb decided he needed to go to the bathroom. Since there weren't any around us Eric had to drive him to a gas station or somewhere to go. While they were gone, Peyton and I just laid around and made silly faces. Soon after the two bigger boys got back, Peyton was ready for a nap so Eric and I took turns holding him by the water until he fell asleep. After that, he was out!
He has the silliest little grin when he sucks that bottom lip in.

Wearing brother's sunglasses for a bit

Ain't he sweet?
Like I said, it was a good day. I'm blessed to have my boys.

April 17, 2013

Book Review: Duck Dynasty Book

Who doesn't love "Duck Dynasty"? I mean those guys are honest to goodness rednecks and they're okay with that. They have family values, follow the Bible, and work hard for a living (not to mention play hard). I had honestly never heard of Duck Commander before the show, and I really haven't heard anything about it since except in reference to the show. While watching the show I had some questions about the people and the company. How much is is worth? Why do they have those crazy beards? What did they look like before those beards? Why would anyone marry someone with a beard like that? What is the world is up with Uncle Si? Many of these questions are answered in this book. The chapters are titled with food such as "Fried Bologna Sandwiches" or "Frog Legs" and each one represents a different time in their lives. They also start each chapter with a Bible verse and it kind of alludes to what the chapter is about. It's a quick, interesting read for anyone at all fascinated with the show.

April 12, 2013

6 Month Comparison

Kaleb at 6 months
Peyton at 6 months

Newborn Peyton. My how things can change in a short 6 months!

April 11, 2013

Six Month Update

Age: 6 months old - WHAT?! How did we get here?
Weight:  18.4 lbs
Length:  29 inches
Sleep: Did you hear that shout of joy in March? That was Eric and me when Peyton FINALLY started sleeping through the night consistently. Whew! I thought it was never going to happen. We still have to feed him a bottle around 10 or 11 at night, but I'm so glad we aren't getting up anymore. He takes a couple of naps during the day, but nothing too long. He's working his way to a schedule.
Likes: Along with being thrown in the air, watching his brother act silly, eating, and being held and talked to, he is liking toys and tummy time a lot more now.
Dislikes: He's still a pretty content kid. Being hungry and losing his paci are still really the only things that make him cry. Oh, and if he's not getting enough attention.
News: He's made it into 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers. He's growing into a little chunk-a-munk. He's doing well with his baby food and isn't allergic to anything so far. He has his next set of shots this month, but Eric is taking him.

April 8, 2013

Our Trip To Hotlanta: Picture Post

The whole crew before the run

Atlanta 2013
The Color Run
Do It Or Dye Trying

Me, after

Amelia, after

Haley, after

Isn't Haley's hair pretty? It looks like an Easter egg.

This is a long platter from IKEA

Square platter from IKEA

How cute are these Spring decorations? They were all half off from World Market.
Eight bowls for Kaleb from IKEA

April 5, 2013

Moms, Let's Encourage

I've read many a blog post or website or caption that states something along the lines of, "I felt so guilty leaving my 8 month old/one year old/two year old at a daycare/preschool!" Well I'm here to tell you that I left both my children in childcare when they were 8 or 9 WEEKS old. That doesn't make me a bad mom. It doesn't make me a bad mom that I don't feel guilty about it either. I have to work. I would feel guilty if I stayed home and then we ended up homeless or starving. Too many times we, as mothers, judge the decisions other mothers make. I've heard (and said) "Oh my gosh. I would never let my child do that/act that way/say those things." Let's be honest, we can't control what our children do or say. I don't encourage my child hit or say bad words or be ugly to other children and adults, but he sometimes does. He's learning. I think we can all agree that there are some things that should never be deemed okay: leaving a child alone at home or in a car, giving a child alcohol, drugs, tobacco, etc, and cursing or degrading a child.
With that being said, motherhood is the most difficult job in the world. I have the utmost respect for stay-at-home moms. I hope that stay-at-home moms can also have respect for those of us who have to (or choose to) work. Let's not judge or criticize parents over those "hot button topics" like breastfeeding and staying at home. As a teacher, I've learned that you never know what someone else's home life is like. You can support breastfeeding or bottle feeding without making a mom who chose something different that you feel guilty or attacked. As moms, we are the only ones who understand how difficult our job is. We can describe and explain it to others, but it's not the same. So, since we have all made choices that we made not be proud of (ahem, French fries as a young kid), let's not judge each other. Let's encourage.

April 1, 2013

March Goal Update

Read the Bible - There were some really good days and some days that weren't so good. Always room for improvement.
Thank someone - Is it bad that I'm three months in and I've already forgotten about this goal? I mean, I thank people, but not for specific things they do.

Kaleb time - I know that Kaleb and I have had some quality time together this month. We've played outside and gone to the park and played inside, but I can't think of any specific times.
Exercise - Welllll except for the 5k, this isn't something I'd like to discuss. (whoops)
Recipes - I didn't try anything new, and I honestly didn't cook much at all this month. I was really bad about this. I think I'm going to go ahead and make out my cooking goals for April. There are 4 full weeks in April so I'm going to make creamy tomato basil pasta, crockpot lemon chicken, white chocolate raspberry bites, and caramel marshmallow popcorn. Two meals and two desserts

Date Night - We had a built in date night this month. Our friends Brian and Christy got married this month in Hattiesburg. I was in the wedding so we went to the rehearsal dinner Friday and spent the night at a hotel. What a luxury! Haha We got to hang out all weekend. It was something that we decided we need to do at least once a month.
Read - I started reading Oliver Twist this month because I love Dickens. But then a bunch of things got in the way and I didn't finish it. It's still on my Nook so it'll probably be my April book. I started another book, The Kill Order, Friday night and finished it Saturday. The book review is on the blog already.
DIY - Yeah, no.

5k - Done! My mom and I did the Color Me Rad 5k in Jakson the 23rd of March. We didn't run it by any means, but we finished it. I'm going this weekend to Atlanta with my mom and sisters to do The Color Run.

Kaleb Quotes: March 2013

"PDaddy is a sleepy Hulk"
"I'm awesome....I'm like a fast turtle."
"I'll be your friend again when you can behave yourself." to Eric
"I want God to make colors healthy so they don't break anymore" after breaking a crayon
"Can we play with the ho-balls?" talking about hail
"I don't feel good very well."
"I sense I'm growing up."
"At the restaurant there were cookermen and lots of fire." (hibachi)
"When I get four, I'll be big enough to eat. When I'm five I'll be all grown up."
"You have to hit your pants when you sing." (drumming)

About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.