April 11, 2013

Six Month Update

Age: 6 months old - WHAT?! How did we get here?
Weight:  18.4 lbs
Length:  29 inches
Sleep: Did you hear that shout of joy in March? That was Eric and me when Peyton FINALLY started sleeping through the night consistently. Whew! I thought it was never going to happen. We still have to feed him a bottle around 10 or 11 at night, but I'm so glad we aren't getting up anymore. He takes a couple of naps during the day, but nothing too long. He's working his way to a schedule.
Likes: Along with being thrown in the air, watching his brother act silly, eating, and being held and talked to, he is liking toys and tummy time a lot more now.
Dislikes: He's still a pretty content kid. Being hungry and losing his paci are still really the only things that make him cry. Oh, and if he's not getting enough attention.
News: He's made it into 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers. He's growing into a little chunk-a-munk. He's doing well with his baby food and isn't allergic to anything so far. He has his next set of shots this month, but Eric is taking him.

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About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.