December 22, 2013

Book Review: A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet

First of all, let me say that I've been a terrible blogger lately. There really hasn't been a lot going on lately that's blog-worthy. There are some things that I'd rather forget (i.e. Kaleb's...erm...performance at the church's Christmas program) and some "winter blues" feelings that didn't seem right to post. So here I am, getting back into the swing of things with something I love...books! 

Over Thanksgiving, we went to Meridian to visit some family we don't get to see as often as either of us would like. We just somehow forget to make the effort to do anything about it. (I feel a New Year's Resolution in the making.) While all the nephews were playing at my aunt's house, I saw this book laying/lying/lieing/whatever on the coffee table. I picked it up, thinking it might be a new Southern cookbook or even a grief book, since my uncle died about 6 years ago. But it wasn't. It was a collection of stories, SOUTHERN stories, from a woman living in Birmingham but who grew up in a small town in Mississippi. I love the South, and I love books about the South. My favorite book of all time is Gone With the Wind, so there ya go. This book embodies Southern values: faith, family, food, manners, and laughter. 

She chronicles specific memories from her childhood all the way through adulthood. In one particularly hilarious chapter, well, I won't ruin it for you, but suffice it to say I was crying and shaking with laughter. My husband was asleep and I was trying so hard not to wake him up with my laughing. Eventually I just put a pillow over my face and let it out. I had to get up out of the bed and leave the room I was laughing so hard. You'll know it when you get to it. The last chapter is a collection of recipes from the foods she mentions in the book. That's always a bonus! 

I recommend this book to anyone who lives in the South, is curious about life in the South, or likes to read. 

About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.