November 26, 2010


As the holidays roll around, I got to thinking about family traditions. Honestly, we don't really have very many and that's something I'd like to change. Here are the ones we do have.
1. Thanksgiving lunch at Eric's grandmother's house with all of his family. A non-traditional dinner
at my parents house. Our Thanksgiving is sometime that weekend at my Aunt Sibby's.
2. Carols by Candlelight
3. Putting up the Christmas tree and decorations the week after Thanksgiving
4. Buying an ornament every trip we take
5. Making cornflake wreathes
6. Christmas cards
7. NOT shopping on Black Friday

Here are some traditions I would like to start.
1. Making handprint turkeys with Eric, Kaleb, and my hands and writing what we are thankful for
on each finger
2. Baking cookies for Santa
3. Opening a present at our house before heading to the grandparents' houses
4. Filling stockings

November 22, 2010

Rules for Reading

There are 10 rules I always follow when reading.
1. When you finish a book, wait 24 hours before beginning a new book.
2. Don't plan your next book until you've finished the one you're reading.
3. Read every day.
4. Take recommendations.
5. Read different types of books.
6. Wait until a book "calls" to you before you read it. Otherwise you won't be into it.
7. Think about the book you're reading while you're reading it.
8. Read 5 books before you buy a new one.
9. Make a list of the books you read. It'll make you feel accomplished.
10. Make your own rules.

November 21, 2010

Thanksgiving Post

During Sunday School today we were asked two questions, "What are you thankful for today that you took for granted this time last year?" and "What are you thankful for today that you didn't previously see as a blessing?".
1. I am thankful for quality time with Eric. The past two weekends we've had the opportunity to spend Saturday together. It was so nice to go out to eat and go see a movie together. We used to go to a movie every week and now it's a rare occassion. It was also nice to eat at a restaurant without having to feed a fussing baby.
2. This one was a lot harder to answer. Something that I wasn't thankful for a year ago that I am thankful for now. I chose Waynesboro. Coming from Jackson and Hattiesburg to Waynesboro was a very big transition. I used to think of Waynesboro as a place where everyone ELSE knew each other and I was an outsider who had nothing to do. Now I have a group of girls who I hang out with on a regular basis, a good church home, and I've started to get used to the "quiet of Waynesboro."

November 18, 2010

Catch Up Post

It's been almost a month since my last post. I don't really think much goes on in my life that's interesting enough to warrent a post, but I'll do a catch-up one now. We get out of school for Thanksgiving tomorrow and I am SO ready. Holidays aren't for the kids. They're for the teachers. I've had a dissatisfied parent this year (and I've never had that while teaching Kindergarten) so I've been going through a lot of emotions over the past week (when I found out). Of course I felt hurt that someone didn't like me, but, more than that, my confidence in my job performance took a huge plunge. I was basically useless that whole Friday - thus proving my parent right. I've alternated between hurt, sad, angry, and resolved. Right now I've settled on resolved. I am resolved to be a better teacher. I am resolved to win back this parent. I am resolved to help his child as much as possible without sugar coating his difficulties. I have a few kids this year who baffle me. I always have a just goes with the Kindergarten territory.
I'm taking my new Masters class, Current Trends in Reading and Writing. I made an A in Histories and Philosophies of Education and I'm determined to make an A in this class, too. It sure it a lot of work though. Our textbook is made up of research articles and after each section we have between 10 - 19 questions to answer synthesizes and analyzing the articles. Each question has 2-3 subquestions so it's pretty intensive. But it's the only type of assignment we have so I can get used to it.
Church is awesome! I feel so connected to the people and to God and that hasn't happened in a long time. I'm a geographical friend. When I lived in Jackson I had friends, but when I moved to Hattiesburg I lost contact with all but 1 or 2. When I lived in Hattiesburg I was pretty wrapped up in Eric and I had a few friends, but when I moved to Waybo I lost contact with all but 1. I'm sure when I leave Waybo and head somewhere new I'll lose contact with some of these girls. Of course, thanks to Facebook we don't ever really lose contact. We just lose face-to-face contact.
Kaleb is pretty much perfect. He's cut two more teeth up top - molars. Still just 2 teeth on the bottom. Maybe he only has 2. I'm going to ask the doctor when he goes for his 15 month checkup in a couple of weeks. He's saying so many words and is so smart. His little personality is starting to come out and I love it. He's giving kisses sometimes. (most of the time when I ask him for a kiss he says "no" which is cute and sad)
I don't know much else that's going on with me and my life but hopefully I'll be blogging more often.

About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.