January 5, 2018

Five Things on my Mind

In an efffort to blog more this year, I'm going to do little updates like this sporadically. Here are the five things I've been thinking about recently.

1. The Greatest Showman Here's a little known fact about me. When I like something I become *somewhat* obsessed with it for a little bit. Right now, that's The Greatest Showman. I love musicals (and Zac Efron) and this one is great! From what I can tell it's not very accurate in its content because Barnum was kind of a creepy jerk, but in the movie he's awesome. I've seen it twice and have listened to the soundtrack several times on Spotify. And I may or may not have googled videos of behind the scenes, interviews, bloopers, and the trailer. 

2. Talking as Fast as I Can I LOVE Lauren Graham. I mean, sure, she's a little more liberal than I'd like, but it's Hollywood so who isn't? My mom, sisters, and I have been loyal fans of "Gilmore Girls" since the beginning. Also, I've started rewatching "Parenthood." Let's face it, she's golden. I'm not typically into nonfiction books. They bore me. But, occasionally, I find it interesting to read about people I like. I've read a couple of books celebrities have written (The Duggers, Chip and Joanna) but it's few and far between. I love her (have I mentioned that yet?) and this book is so interesting. She writes the way she talks, full of tangents and rhetorical questions. If you liked Lorelaei's character, this book will be worth your time to read. But don't ask me for it. I'll have to add you to a waiting list. 

3. New York has been on my mind lately. We went in October to see "Hamilton" (which was amazing!! obviously). We did a LOT of things while we were there. Like, pretty much everything. Each night when we got back to our hotel room, we basically fell into bed and couldn't move. I still have a blister on my big toe from all of the walking. I thought, when we left, that I was satisfied with my experiences in the NYC and didn't need to go back. But since then, I've really missed it. Not so much all of the people, but the big buildings and the energy and the overall...gumption of the city. I've starting planning things I want to do on our next trip. And, of course, I'd love to go during the holiday season.

4. Y'all! My shipping for Jamko is intense. I seriously may travel back to New York at the end of the season if these two don't make serious strides towards their relationship just to talk to the writers of the show and give them a piece of my mind. I know "Blue Bloods" is kind of not the most popular show for people in my age demographic, but I LOVE Jamie and Eddie. It's almost beyond words how much I want them to be together. Remember my obsessive behavior I mentioned? It really starts showing its ugly head when this topic comes up. I can't count how many times I've watched their kiss on YouTube. I basically have their dialogue memorized. Seriously.

5. Tomorrow is my birthday dinner. I haven't had a birthday party of any sorts since my 21st birthday at O'Charleys. Honestly, I've been hesitant to put myself out there for fear of no one coming. However, I've made some great girl friends at church and invited about 10 of them for a birthday dinner. Most are coming and I'm SUPER excited about it. Here's to 33!

About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.