August 29, 2012

Thirty Three Weeks

I miss my camera. I feel like I've gotten alot bigger the last couple of weeks, but I have no way to show y'all.

How Far Along: 33 Weeks
Size of Baby: Peyton weighs a little over 4 pounds, about the weight of a pineapple.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm at +8 for this week. I think my doctor is getting a little concerned about me not gaining weight because at my last appointment she asked me if I was starving myself. I mean, I'm eating as much as I can on this low carb diet. When the recommended amount of carbs per day is 300 and I'm supposed to stay under 70, I'm bound to lose some weight.
Maternity Clothes: Most definitely
Movement: He must be feeling cramped because he's been doing a lot of stretching lately. I'll feel a foot on my left kidney and a hand in my right lung at the same time.
Gender: It's a boy! Peyton Graham Satterwhite
Sleep: Still trying to take naps or rest after school each day.
What I Miss: I miss pizza this week.
Cravings: Diet coke. Luckily for me, I can actually have it.
Symptoms: I'm getting to the point where I'm about ready for him to be here. I feel like I'm running out of room and my back and legs have started cramping. They say it's from the extra weight I'm carrying, but 8 lbs isn't really that much extra.
Best Moment This Week: Kaleb giving me a hug and telling me I'm so lucky. He's just started saying so many funny things lately. Oh, and he's discovered Raffi (thanks to Uncle Brad's gift card) and it's really fun to hear all the songs I used to listen to as a kid.
Wnat I'm Looking Forward To: It's not until next weekend, but I'm looking forward to my first baby shower for this little guy. Maybe that will make it all seem more real (as if the giant belly wasn't enough).

August 24, 2012

Thirty Two Weeks

This post is late because I've been looking for the charger for my no avail. So no new belly pictures until I can find it and charge this thing. :(

How Far Along: 32 Weeks
Size of Baby: Peyton weighs close to 4 pounds, which is apparently the size of a jicama.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm at +10 for this week.
Maternity Clothes: Yes ma'am
Movement: All the time
Gender: It's a boy! Peyton Graham Satterwhite
Sleep: I'm sleeping better each night since my medicine is working.
What I Miss: I miss not wearing shoes all day.
Cravings: I've started making a list of all the things I want to eat after this baby is born. So far on the list I have 32 degrees, cheese ravioli with alfredo sauce, Chuck E Cheese pepperoni and black olive pizza, and a tuna sandwich from Subway.
Symptoms: I'm feeling pretty good this week. I wouldn't say I'm nesting, but I've started to think about nesting.
Best Moment This Week: Taking Kaleb to the park and he left without fighting us. Hallelujah!
Wat I'm Looking Forward To: Doctor's appointment Monday.

August 22, 2012

Not the Birthday I Planned

Kaleb's third birthday party was Saturday. We were supposed to have all of our family over to our house, go the fire station in town to see the fire trucks, then have a cookout and cupcakes the rest of the afternoon. Weeellll that didn't happen. When I got home from school Friday our air conditioner was out and it was really stinking hot. Plus Eric and I were both feeling pretty yucky. We decided to move the party to Jackson since that's where both of our parents are anyway. We packed up really quickly and drove to Jackson. I started feeling worse and went to bed early. Then, on Saturday (party day), I woke up feeling awful. I decided to go ahead and go to the doctor. Two hours, two strep tests, two flu tests, one shot, and one prescription later, I was heading back home. I basically got to watch Kaleb open his presents before I had to go upstairs and go back to bed. I missed the cupcakes, the food, the singing of "Happy Birthday," all of it. From what I hear, Kaleb didn't really mind. He was pretty excited about playing with all his new presents (mainly cars and trucks). I know some other people got pictures so I'm just going to steal theirs and put them on here.

Just getting started opening his presents. 

His hair cracks me up in this one. 

Just noticing the bike that Daddy got him. 

 Of course he tried to ride it...didn't work out so well on carpet.
 His only requirements for his birthday party this year was trucks and cupcakes.
 Sweet grin
 Is that a good cupcake?
 Haha! Guess so!
 This picture makes me really sad because while this was going on I was upstairs trying to breathe. I could hear them singing "Happy Birthday" and really wanted to be in there :(
 P-Daddy decided you couldn't have cupcakes without ice cream. DUH
Trying out his new bike.

August 20, 2012

Letter to Three Year Old Kaleb

Dear Kaleb,

        Today you are three years old! It’s absolutely amazing how much you can talk now. You have the craziest imagination and sense of humor. You are totally obsessed with any and all types of vehicles…still. You weigh 30 pounds and are 38 inches tall.

        You’ve developed your own preferences in food which makes me realize even more how much you’re growing up. You won’t just eat anything that we put in front of you anymore. You think tomatoes and pickles are “disgusking” and refuse to eat them. You love fruits and a lot of beans and peas, but you’re still not too fond of meat. Except chicken nuggets, shepherd’s pie, and some fried shrimp. You could eat chicken nuggets everyday. You also really like rice and beans, cheese, macaroni, “pasketti,” tortillas (which you call quesadillas), gummies, hot dogs, and of course cookies and ice cream. We’re trying to substitute fruits for desserts, but sometimes you just want that cookie.

        You are getting a baby brother in a couple of months and I don’t know how much you actually understand. You know that he’s in mommy’s tummy, but you’re really not interested yet. You like to “poke the baby” and “lick the baby” sometimes, but you really just want to sit in my lap. You told me the other day that you wanted to get in my tummy so you could see Peyton. You’ve started acting like you’re a baby. You’ll say “goo goo gaga” and want to cuddle up. It’s so sweet. Still, I’m a little nervous about when he gets here. I want you to know that no matter what, I love you so much and you’re the best little boy that I know!

Along with your fun new aspects, you’ve also gotten into the “terrible twos.” You’re not really terrible at all…just opinionated and slightly bossy. You like to say you’re the “little bossy.” You think it means you’re the boss. Now that you know what you like and don’t like and you’ve discovered the word “no” you’ve really been exercising your ability to use them. For the most part you’re a joy to be around, but to be honest there are days that are very trying. We really only have two main issues. You hit and you say bad words. We’ve realized that hitting occurs mostly when you’re angry, excited, or feel we’re not paying you enough attention. We really try not to spank you when you hit because it sends a mixed message, but we do send you to time out. You hate time out…at least you say you do. The hitting got a lot better when we took away your trucks for a day and made you earn them back. So now we’re focusing on the bad words. You like to say “We don’t say bad words like butt, stupid, doo doo, and oh my God because they’re ugly. We don’t say them.” But you say it A LOT. You also say you aren’t going to say bad words as soon as one comes out of your mouth. We think it’s for attention so we’re trying to ignore the behavior, but if that doesn’t work then spanking, time out, or other punishments may be necessary.     

        Something else that has started (in the last month or so) is nightmares. You wake up and cry out because you’re scared of monsters and bad guys. We’ve pretty much cut out any show that could be construed as scary in any way and we don’t play the game where you shoot bad guys anymore. You have a Spongebob nightlight and that’s sometimes enough, but sometimes you also need your fish and your pillow pet. That was Daddy’s idea. In the mornings you say that your pillow pet kept you safe. Hey! Whatever works!

        One of your biggest accomplishments this year happened in the last few weeks of you being two. You started wearing underwear instead of diapers! You’re so excited when you go to the potty and you look at us and say “I’m so proud to you!” You started preschool this month and you love your teacher, Ms. Cindy. I’m so glad you like school! You really are growing up and we love you more all the time.


Mama and Daddy

August 16, 2012

Thirty One Weeks

Note: No picture for this week because I've been sick and just really don't feel like it.

How Far Along: 31 Weeks
Size of Baby: Peyton weighs about 3.5 pounds now which is close to the weight of four oranges. My doctor said he's "growing like a weed" so I don't know if that means he's growing too much or like he's supposed to.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm at +8 for this week.
Maternity Clothes: Living in dresses
Movement: All the time
Gender: It's a boy! Peyton Graham Satterwhite
Sleep: The past couple of nights have been rough because of feeling sick, but I'm trying to rest alot, too.
What I Miss: Breathing
Cravings: Warm liquids
Symptoms: I don't know if it's from the pregnancy or just a bug, but I'm definitely sick.
Best Moment This Week: Going to the doctor. It always makes it more exciting. Plus, I get to see Peyton again in four weeks instead of six!
Wat I'm Looking Forward To: Kaleb's birthday party is this weekend so I'm looking forward to seeing most of the family.

August 8, 2012

Thirty Weeks

How Far Along: 30 Weeks!
Size of Baby: Peyton is getting close to three pounds, about the weight of this cabbage.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm still at +10 for this week.
Maternity Clothes: I'm wishing I had some longer capris at this point. I'm in teacher mode so that leaves me with dresses or's too hot for pants.
Movement: He is moving all around these days.
Gender: It's a boy! Peyton Graham Satterwhite
Sleep: Yes please.
What I Miss: I'm getting used to the Atkins "chocolate" bars so I haven't been craving chocolate as much. Now I just miss peanut butter crackers. They make such an easy snack at school.
Cravings: My body is adjusting to the low carb diet so my cravings are starting to subside. I'd still really like a chocolate cupcake though.
Symptoms: I'm really feeling the effects of being on my feet 8 hours a day teaching. Everything from my knees down ache each day and I'm getting progressively more tired. Luckily, no swelling so I just roll around in my chair when I start feeling exhausted.
Best Moment This Week: Our friends Brian and Christy got engaged over the weekend! I know it doesn't have to do with me, but it was still awesome.
What I'm Looking Forward To: I have a doctor's appointment Monday. I know they don't do anything at this point except look at your pee, take your vitals, and check your belly size, but it's one appointment closer to the next ultrasound. I'm so ready to see what Peyton looks like again.

August 2, 2012

Twenty Nine Weeks

How Far Along: 29 Weeks
Size of Baby: Peyton weighs as much as a butternut squash (about 2 1/2 pounds) and is around 15 inches long. His bones are starting to harden and his brain synapses are developing.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Well I lost a oound this week because of the low carb diet. My doctor said I may not gain anymore weight and that I might actually lose some. Right now I'm at + 10 since base weight.
Maternity Clothes: All the time. Except I usually sleep in one of Eric's t-shirts.
Movement: He either really likes or really hates loud noises because he was moving around all during the Batman movie.
Gender: It's a boy! Peyton Graham Satterwhite
Sleep: I've been SO tired because I've had to get up early to get to school/training on time. I'm going to have to back my bedtime WAY back to compensate.
What I Miss: Still missing the sweets and fruits
Cravings: Nothing in particular this week.
Symptoms: It's started being more difficult to stand up after sitting down. And I'm pretty sure I've started waddling.
Best Moment This Week: Peyton's diaper bag came in and I got to pick it up today. I think it's so cute!

What I'm Looking Forward To: I'm looking forward to Saturday when our friends are having a party. I'm also *sorta* looking forward to Monday because it's Kaleb's first day of preschool! I think it's going to be hard for me (1-since I can't drop him off myself and 2-since it means he's a big boy), but he's really excited so I'm excited for him.

About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.