July 25, 2013

A New Perspective


     Today was the day I had been waiting for and dreading for over 30 years. Since the moment Father said goodbye to His son I have known that this day would come. Really, since Eve and Adam first chose to do things their way instead of Father’s way, this day was inevitable. As I watched the years, decades, centuries, and millennia pass by, I glanced forward to today with horror and anticipation. And now it’s here.
     Looking around the great crowd of witnesses, I see the old, familiar faces – Abraham, Moses, David, Gabriel, Michael. All of the saints and other angels are watching below with rapt attention. I see in Abraham’s eyes the slightest look of remembrance. He, too, was asked to sacrifice his son. I look at Father, with all of His glorious radiance, and there is a look on His face I’ve never seen before. I glance down at what is happening on Earth and understand the look.  
     Jesus, perfect, precious Jesus is being assaulted. He is being attacked by the sins of the world. To the onlookers down below, they are invisible, merely wind and that strange feeling. But to us, with our Heavenly vision, we see them as they really are. Hatred, envy, lust, disobedience, pride, guilt, and shame. They are black as night and press in on Jesus with an ever increasing force. There, in the glimmer of the sins, I see Lucifer’s face, grinning. He is enjoying this, reveling in it. Father can’t even bear to see that much sin covering His only son. He turns away. When He does, when He turns completely away from Christ, the world weeps. The clouds roll, thunder and lightening crash and flash, the angels weep. I weep. It is almost over. The darling of Heaven, who forfeited His glory and power and reign over all beings and creation, who took on flesh and became like man, who was mocked and hung on a cross, is about to return.
    We wait in anticipation for the moment of total defeat and total victory. “Father, Father, why have you forsaken me?” This is it. He glances upward at us. He breathes one, final human breath. The rejoicing and hallelujahs are deafening! It is finished! He has returned to us, to His Father’s side, to His rightful place on the throne! Hallelujah! Worthy is the Lamb!

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About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.