January 14, 2016

Yearly Goal Update

Remember how one of my goals was to go on an international mission trip? I know you do because I'm sure you've been checking daily to see how things are progressing. Well, the wait (albeit short) is over. In July, I'm going to Guatemala! I don't know a whole lot about Guatemala except for what people have told me who have been there on the same mission trip from years past. So far I've gathered that the weather is perfect (mid 70s all year round), the food is great, and the people are amazing. Sounds like a plan to me. I'll be working in a malnutrition center everyday during that week. Basically, if parents can't feed their children they can drop them off at this malnutrition center. They can come visit once a week, and when the children are properly nourished they can go back with their families. I'll be going with an organization called Orphan's Heart. 
There are several mission trips that will be happening with our church this year, so when I felt God telling me this was the right time to go, I knew I had some choices. At first, I was going to go to Haiti and help teachers there with educational things. It sounds perfect for me, right? I mean, I teach. But I couldn't shake the feeling that that wasn't where I was supposed to go. I felt like I needed to work with orphans or children in need of care. When I heard about this trip to Guatemala, the nagging feeling immediately went away. THIS was my mission trip.
I'm not sure how things will work out financially (about $1700) or with the boys. I'm sure that it'll be hard to be away from them, in a different country, where I can't talk to them all the time or see their faces, and where Eric will have to take some time from work or enlist help in taking care of them, but God will work it out. He wants me there and He can take care of it. I'll leave you with some pictures of Guatemala:

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About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.