December 30, 2012

2013 Goals

I've tried several different methods for sticking with my New Year's Resolutions. Needless to say, none of them has worked. I've tried just setting one or two for the year, a different one for each month, etc. This year I will, once again, try something new. I'm going to have daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals. I plan on keeping track of them with a page I'm creating.

Daily Goals
1. Bible Time - I hate to say "quiet time" because that implies a 30 minute Bible reading and note taking session. Instead I'll say Bible Time. This could be anything from sitting down and reading a whole book of the Bible to memorizing Scripture, to looking up specific verses I need. I've started memorizing a verse a day using the guide in my Bible and it's been super beneficial. I figure any time is better than no time.
2. Thank someone - This can be anyone including strangers, workers, Kaleb and Peyton's teachers, Eric, family members friends, etc. I saw on a documentary that people who are thankful are happier.

Weekly Goals
1. Quality Kaleb time - Things get so crazy with 2 kids, a job, and a husband in school that I feel like I can unintentionally neglect Kaleb. So the goal is to spend some one-on-one time with him playing in the yard, watching movies, going to the park, driving around, or even at WalMart
2. New recipes - With so many great ideas on Pinterest, I hate not to take advantage of them. So each week I'll try a new recipe.
3. Exercise - Yes, it's true, I'm supposed to excercise every day. News flash! I don't. Once a week is a good jumping off point.
4. Blog - My poor blog ebbs and flows in its use. I'm going to try to blog something at least once a week.

Monthly Goals
1. DIY something - It doesn't matter what, I just want to be more crafty.
2. Read a book - Truthfully, some months I'll read way more than one book, but this is a baseline goal.
3. Date - Eric and I need to date more. I guess we'll have to find a local babysitter.

Yearly Goals
1. Run a 5k - If I'm going to do a 5k (which I want to) I want it to be a super fun one. I'm signing up for the Color Run in Atlanta, GA on April 9 and the Color Me Rad Run in Jackson on March 23. My mom's going to do the one in Jackson with me. My sisters, mom, mother in law, sister's mother in law, other sister's friend, and mom's friends are going to join us in ATL. It'll be fun! Couch to 5k here I come!

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About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.