Summer! It's the time of year all teachers look forward to. A time to delete the alarms, recharge, and go on vacation. It can also be a time when families get on each other's nerves. This summer, I've tried to combat that with three things.
1. A summer to do list.
2. Summer camps for both kids
3. Vacation
The plan was for everyone in the family to make a To Do list for the summer. Peyton made his and I've made mine. Kaleb is a little harder to nail down, and Eric doesn't exactly get a summer. Peyton's list includes: going to the beach, splash pad, mountains, park, movie theater, and water park as well as taking a giant bubble bath, playing on the slip n slide, making a fire and roasting hot dogs & marshmallows, and doing a movie night/pallet night. I'd say all of these are accomplishable. My list includes: read 5 books, plan out how to teach writing next year, go to 5 places (beach, mountains, New Orleans, Global Wildlife, and one other), eat snow cones, teach the boys to swim, update one room of the house, and get my weight into the 130s. *Mostly* accomplishable, I hope.
The kids have never really done summer camps before. We've done VBS every year forever and will continue to do that, but this summer we've scheduled two camps for each kid. Basically all of June is filled with camp, which I think the kids will love. Peyton is doing an art sculpture camp and Astro Camp. Kaleb is doing an art camp and church camp. We're going to try to sneak in a couple of soccer lessons throughout the summer, too. He says he wants to play again in the fall and we definitely encourage that.
Vacation this year has been sort of back and forth. We've gone between San Francisco, San Diego, Denver, and finally landed on Chattanooga. The boys have always gone to the Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg area with my family, so this will be something new for them with the Satterwhites. We're planning on going to Ruby Falls, Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga, and of course, playing in creeks and waterfalls. That'll be the last week in July. Like, we get back the day before I go to my first work day. But I think it'll be fun.
I'm A. Satterwhite
May 30, 2018
February 27, 2018
Spotify is my jam. I can make playlists and add to them constantly, unlike mix CDs. I used to have about 7 or 8 playlists, but then they all got deleted soooo fresh start. Right now I only have 2 playlists, Sleepy Mix and Worship Mix. I plan to add a Hymn Mix and a Christmas Mix soon. Riveting, I know. So here are my songs (thus far) for my Sleepy Mix and Worship Mix.
Sleepy Mix
Sleepy Mix
- "Moon River" (Peyton's song)
- "Oh How He Loves"
- "Hallelujah"
- "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" (Kaleb's song)
- "I See Fire" (Ed Sheeran's Hobbit song)
- "Dream a Little Dream of Me"
- "Perfect"
- "Mexico"
- "Fix You" (the original sleepy song)
- "Let it Be"
- "Make you Feel my Love"
- "Scarborough Fair" (really, any Simon and Garfunkel song)
- "Down to the River to Pray" ( Shout out to O Brother Where Art Thou)
Worship Mix
- "Resurrecting" (an old favorite)
- "O Come to the Altar"
- "King of the World" (pretty much my life)
- "Great are You Lord"
- "Death was Arrested"
- "Lamb of God"
- "Jailbreak"
- "Reckless Love" (new favorite)
- "How Deep the Father's Love"
- "What a Beautiful Name"
- "All My Hope"
- "Glorious Day"
- "Oceans"
- "Worthy of your Name"
- "Grace so Glorious"
- "Good, Good Father"
February 24, 2018
5 Minute Writing Prompt: Your Childhood Bedroom
My childhood bedroom will always be at 555 Bradford Drive. I shared it with my sisters. At one point there was a queen bed (that's still at my mom's house) and a white bunk bed. We weren't allowed to sleep in the bunk bed together because we laughed and played too much. We had a dark dresser where I kept many books. It was also my dresser as a teenager. Doilies were involved. We also had a CD player that made me feel like I was older than my few meager years. That bedroom always makes me think of the country greats of the 90s -Shania Twain, John Michael Montgomery, George Strait, Garth Brooks- and the CD Hide 'Em in Your Heart. I also think of the time we were so 'bad' that my mom came in to talk to us, and she cried. Which, of course, made all of us cry, too. I'm pretty sure I had a New Kids on the Block poster on the back of a door, but I never really listened to them. I remember waiting in my bed on Christmas Eve to see if I could 'catch' Santa. I'd wake up and go in, only to see my parents watching tv. A few hours later I'd wake up again, and all of the presents would be there. Ever since we sold that house, I've wanted to go back and see that room. But, I think it would make me sad for it to be different.
February 20, 2018
I'm a Bad Republican...
I've been thinking a lot lately about gun control. I mean, who hasn't? The tragedy in Florida is only one of countless other school shootings. Not to mention, movie theaters, malls, homes, churches, etc. I'm not a very good Republican. I don't follow all issues along party lines. Some I do - I'm pro-choice, pro-traditional marriage, pro-arming teachers. But I'm also pro-gun control. I think some of the reasons people are up in arms (pun intended) about gun control is that it's misunderstood. Gun control doesn't say you can't buy a gun. It's not taking away your "right to bear arms." Gun control says, "Go ahead and buy a gun. But first let's check your criminal and mental history." How is that a bad thing? We already know we don't want criminals having guns, but we're legally selling guns to them anyway. There's a big deal about mental health issues, but we're legally selling guns to them anyway. Will gun control solve all shootings? Of course not! The heart of the problem is sin and that we live in a fallen world. Until Jesus returns, people are going to make these terrible decisions that have terrible consequences. But, to me, it doesn't make sense not to have some sort of control of weapons. I mean, I can't go to Walmart and buy Advil Cold and Sinus, but I can buy a gun. ?? Also, why are assault rifles even sold? Are you going to shoot a deer or a duck with an AK-47? No. (I assume - I'm not much of a hunter) You know the phrase, "Nothing good happens after midnight."? Well, nothing good happens with an assault rifle. No one is saying people should surrender all of their guns and not defend themselves. But, seriously, why is it so ridiculous to want some sort of plan to make things better?
January 5, 2018
Five Things on my Mind
In an efffort to blog more this year, I'm going to do little updates like this sporadically. Here are the five things I've been thinking about recently.
1. The Greatest Showman Here's a little known fact about me. When I like something I become *somewhat* obsessed with it for a little bit. Right now, that's The Greatest Showman. I love musicals (and Zac Efron) and this one is great! From what I can tell it's not very accurate in its content because Barnum was kind of a creepy jerk, but in the movie he's awesome. I've seen it twice and have listened to the soundtrack several times on Spotify. And I may or may not have googled videos of behind the scenes, interviews, bloopers, and the trailer.
2. Talking as Fast as I Can I LOVE Lauren Graham. I mean, sure, she's a little more liberal than I'd like, but it's Hollywood so who isn't? My mom, sisters, and I have been loyal fans of "Gilmore Girls" since the beginning. Also, I've started rewatching "Parenthood." Let's face it, she's golden. I'm not typically into nonfiction books. They bore me. But, occasionally, I find it interesting to read about people I like. I've read a couple of books celebrities have written (The Duggers, Chip and Joanna) but it's few and far between. I love her (have I mentioned that yet?) and this book is so interesting. She writes the way she talks, full of tangents and rhetorical questions. If you liked Lorelaei's character, this book will be worth your time to read. But don't ask me for it. I'll have to add you to a waiting list.
3. New York has been on my mind lately. We went in October to see "Hamilton" (which was amazing!! obviously). We did a LOT of things while we were there. Like, pretty much everything. Each night when we got back to our hotel room, we basically fell into bed and couldn't move. I still have a blister on my big toe from all of the walking. I thought, when we left, that I was satisfied with my experiences in the NYC and didn't need to go back. But since then, I've really missed it. Not so much all of the people, but the big buildings and the energy and the overall...gumption of the city. I've starting planning things I want to do on our next trip. And, of course, I'd love to go during the holiday season.
4. Y'all! My shipping for Jamko is intense. I seriously may travel back to New York at the end of the season if these two don't make serious strides towards their relationship just to talk to the writers of the show and give them a piece of my mind. I know "Blue Bloods" is kind of not the most popular show for people in my age demographic, but I LOVE Jamie and Eddie. It's almost beyond words how much I want them to be together. Remember my obsessive behavior I mentioned? It really starts showing its ugly head when this topic comes up. I can't count how many times I've watched their kiss on YouTube. I basically have their dialogue memorized. Seriously.
5. Tomorrow is my birthday dinner. I haven't had a birthday party of any sorts since my 21st birthday at O'Charleys. Honestly, I've been hesitant to put myself out there for fear of no one coming. However, I've made some great girl friends at church and invited about 10 of them for a birthday dinner. Most are coming and I'm SUPER excited about it. Here's to 33!
1. The Greatest Showman Here's a little known fact about me. When I like something I become *somewhat* obsessed with it for a little bit. Right now, that's The Greatest Showman. I love musicals (and Zac Efron) and this one is great! From what I can tell it's not very accurate in its content because Barnum was kind of a creepy jerk, but in the movie he's awesome. I've seen it twice and have listened to the soundtrack several times on Spotify. And I may or may not have googled videos of behind the scenes, interviews, bloopers, and the trailer.
2. Talking as Fast as I Can I LOVE Lauren Graham. I mean, sure, she's a little more liberal than I'd like, but it's Hollywood so who isn't? My mom, sisters, and I have been loyal fans of "Gilmore Girls" since the beginning. Also, I've started rewatching "Parenthood." Let's face it, she's golden. I'm not typically into nonfiction books. They bore me. But, occasionally, I find it interesting to read about people I like. I've read a couple of books celebrities have written (The Duggers, Chip and Joanna) but it's few and far between. I love her (have I mentioned that yet?) and this book is so interesting. She writes the way she talks, full of tangents and rhetorical questions. If you liked Lorelaei's character, this book will be worth your time to read. But don't ask me for it. I'll have to add you to a waiting list.
3. New York has been on my mind lately. We went in October to see "Hamilton" (which was amazing!! obviously). We did a LOT of things while we were there. Like, pretty much everything. Each night when we got back to our hotel room, we basically fell into bed and couldn't move. I still have a blister on my big toe from all of the walking. I thought, when we left, that I was satisfied with my experiences in the NYC and didn't need to go back. But since then, I've really missed it. Not so much all of the people, but the big buildings and the energy and the overall...gumption of the city. I've starting planning things I want to do on our next trip. And, of course, I'd love to go during the holiday season.
4. Y'all! My shipping for Jamko is intense. I seriously may travel back to New York at the end of the season if these two don't make serious strides towards their relationship just to talk to the writers of the show and give them a piece of my mind. I know "Blue Bloods" is kind of not the most popular show for people in my age demographic, but I LOVE Jamie and Eddie. It's almost beyond words how much I want them to be together. Remember my obsessive behavior I mentioned? It really starts showing its ugly head when this topic comes up. I can't count how many times I've watched their kiss on YouTube. I basically have their dialogue memorized. Seriously.
5. Tomorrow is my birthday dinner. I haven't had a birthday party of any sorts since my 21st birthday at O'Charleys. Honestly, I've been hesitant to put myself out there for fear of no one coming. However, I've made some great girl friends at church and invited about 10 of them for a birthday dinner. Most are coming and I'm SUPER excited about it. Here's to 33!
December 31, 2017
Blog New Years Goals, Stop Blogging the Rest of the Year, Repeat
Ok, it's that time again. Time to blog my New Year's Resolutions...for 2018. Almost two years since a new blog post. I'm sure there's a bunch of stuff that's happened since then, BUT, I don't recall. Before I get into 2018 resolutions, I feel like I should at least give an update on the one resolution from 2017 I stuck to (remember). My goal was to read 20 new books in 2017. I stopped keeping up with them in June, but I think I read around 25 new books this year. So, yay me!
Onward to my 2018 resolutions
I'm splitting my resolutions into 5 categories and I have all year to complete them. Those are the only ones I tend to keep.
1. Spiritual - Read through the Bible again. Last time I did this I read it through chronologically from Genesis to Revelations. This time I want to read specific parts (although still chronologically because that's how I roll). I'm starting with Paul's letters. There are 13 letters so I estimate it will take me about a month if I average three chapters a day. After that I want to move on to the other books of the New Testament that aren't the gospels. Finally, the gospels. Then I'll move on to the Old Testament. I'm hoping that by reading the New Testament first, some things in the Old Testament will have a new meaning.
2. Familial - Be my children's greatest cheerleader. So often I'll discuss their negative traits with people *hoping to get some reassurance that it's not just my kids* and leave out the wonderful parts about them. I'm not going to lie. Some (ahem, most) days are difficult. I think part of it is I'm not fully aware of what drives, triggers, and upsets my children. Not really. So in becoming their greatest cheerleader, I'm expecting to learn more about them as well.
3. Financial - We are magnets for the unexpected expenses. It's almost humorous. But this year we're going to really try to get most of our debt paid off. The goal is that by the end of 2018 all that will be left is our house note, car note, and student loans. I know what you're thinking...what else is there? Let's just say, too much. If we can get them paid off I'll be happy to share what all they were.
4. Health - What? I'm going to make a goal to lose weight? How original! But, really, now's the perfect time. By the end of 2018 I want to have lost 20 pounds. I feel like that's a realistic goal. Then again, I feel like this girl represents me perfectly.
5. Fun - Learn how to do new things. I'm not sure yet what this entails, but I have some ideas. I want to learn how to bake bread. Okay, I have one idea. Surely more will follow. I almost always set book goals for each year, but I don't think I'm going to do that this year. Unless maybe my goal would be to read all of the books I currently own but haven't read yet. Yeah...
So there we go. When I look back on this January 1, 2019 (woah! sci-fi much?) I'll at least be able to see what (if anything) I accomplished. 'Til then...
January 14, 2016
Yearly Goal Update
Remember how one of my goals was to go on an international mission trip? I know you do because I'm sure you've been checking daily to see how things are progressing. Well, the wait (albeit short) is over. In July, I'm going to Guatemala! I don't know a whole lot about Guatemala except for what people have told me who have been there on the same mission trip from years past. So far I've gathered that the weather is perfect (mid 70s all year round), the food is great, and the people are amazing. Sounds like a plan to me. I'll be working in a malnutrition center everyday during that week. Basically, if parents can't feed their children they can drop them off at this malnutrition center. They can come visit once a week, and when the children are properly nourished they can go back with their families. I'll be going with an organization called Orphan's Heart.
There are several mission trips that will be happening with our church this year, so when I felt God telling me this was the right time to go, I knew I had some choices. At first, I was going to go to Haiti and help teachers there with educational things. It sounds perfect for me, right? I mean, I teach. But I couldn't shake the feeling that that wasn't where I was supposed to go. I felt like I needed to work with orphans or children in need of care. When I heard about this trip to Guatemala, the nagging feeling immediately went away. THIS was my mission trip.
I'm not sure how things will work out financially (about $1700) or with the boys. I'm sure that it'll be hard to be away from them, in a different country, where I can't talk to them all the time or see their faces, and where Eric will have to take some time from work or enlist help in taking care of them, but God will work it out. He wants me there and He can take care of it. I'll leave you with some pictures of Guatemala:


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About Me
- I'mASatterwhite
- I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.