June 30, 2013

Dear Moms of Little Girls

Dear Moms of Little Girls,

     As a mom of little boys, I promise to do the following for your daughters. I will teach my sons to hold open doors, put their dishes in the dishwasher, wipe the seat, put up their own clothes, love God, read His Word, respect women, put others before themselves, and look for the best in people. In return I ask that you prepare your daughters, also. Please teach them to honor and respect others, serve, be patient and loving, put God first, be full of grace and loveliness, and dress appropriately. It will be hard enough for my sons to stay focused on Him without teenage girls showing off their bodies. It is hard for me to concentrate in church with the women in currently stylish dresses; how much harder would it be for men? God created men and women to be holy in His image. I will do everything in my power to help ensure my sons will lead and be Christ-like examples for your daughters. One day my sons will marry your daughters, and I desire them to be pure and holy for each one another.


A Mom of Little Boys

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About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.