April 3, 2012

12 Weeks

So we finally got to tell people that we're expecting a baby in October! I've been keeping it a "secret" (as much as I can) for 6 weeks. That's probably a record. I plan to do an update post every week with a picture, but in order for that to happen I have to find/fix my camera. Don't worry. I'll try to have that done by next week.

How Far Along: 12 Weeks
Size of Baby: Little Baby is about the size of a lime
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've actually lost 4 pounds! How is that possible? Oh yeah, I haven't been eating as much this time as with Kaleb.
Maternity Clothes: I probably don't NEED to wear them, but since I wasn't allowed to say anything for a while it was really the only thing that made me feel pregnant. I probably need to wear some of the maternity pants or some really stretchy fabric.
Movement: According to BabyCenter Little Baby moves with I poke my stomach, but I can't feel it yet. Of course, I imagine I can sometimes.
Gender: Pretty sure it has one, but we don't know it. We're toying with the idea of not even finding out this time.
Sleep: I haven't gotten to sleep as much as I did with Kaleb because, well, he's awake during the days and wants to play. I try to crash early in the night though. I'm sleeping fine, but I'm starting to wonder when I need to stop sleeping on my back. I'm trying to hold off as long as possible because I remember really missing that.
What I Miss: Nothing yet
Cravings: I'm kind of going the opposite direction. Nothing sounds good most of the time.
Symptoms: I've had more nausea this go around. With Kaleb I wasn't sick very much at all. Every now and then when I didn't eat I would start to feel bad, but it wasn't everyday and I certainly didn't have to take medicine. This time I've been a little queasier. I haven't thrown up at all, but sometimes I have to teach sitting down.
Best Moment This Week: Finally telling people! I was overwhelmed by the amount of congrats and likes on Facebok.
What I'm Looking Forward To: I'm looking forward to seeing people now that they know. I'm also looking foward to Easter Sunday and I'm going to try to cherish it as our last one with just Kaleb.

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About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.