April 9, 2012

Thirteen Weeks

Sorry guys! Still no camera. Don't worry. I'm not showing anyway. Well, there's a bump there, but it's more of a food baby than Little Baby. Haha!

How Far Along: 13 Weeks
Size of Baby: Little Baby is about the size of a medium shrimp. Now, to me that seems smaller than a lime, but he/she is now 3 inches.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm not for sure, but I think it's somewhere close to last time. I mean, I only ate 2 pieces of Easter candy.
Maternity Clothes: Nah...not really. I can only fit in a few pairs of my pants now, but I have enough stretchy fabric to hold off wearing maternity clothes.
Movement: Nope. But I can't wait to start feeling it.
Gender: Still unknown.
Sleep: Sleep's not great but it doesn't have anything to do with Little Baby. It has more to do with insomnia and thinking about what needs to be done at school.
What I Miss: Feta?
Cravings: Brothy or clear soups like miso and chicken noodle
Symptoms: Still pretty tired and a little nauseated but hopefully that will end soon.
Best Moment This Week: Getting verbal Congratulations. It made it seem more real.
What I'm Looking Forward To: I'm looking forward to having a chilled, relaxing week/weekend. I don't really have any plans so I'm going to lay on the couch as much as possible.

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About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.