September 5, 2012

Thirty Four Weeks

How Far Along: 34 Weeks
Size of Baby: Peyton weighs a closer to 5 pounds than 4 this week. Pick up a cantaloupe and you'll get the idea.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm at +12 for this week. Well that's a surprise! I guess little dude is actually growing!
Maternity Clothes: Most definitely
Movement: He's not moving around as much. I guess space is limited.
Gender: It's a boy! Peyton Graham Satterwhite
Sleep: The insomnia I remember from Kaleb has started setting in. I'll be SO tired but just can't get to sleep.
What I Miss: I'm pretty content this week.
Cravings: My sweet tooth seems to have come back so ice cream, candy bars, etc.
Symptoms: I've got a new one this week. My legs (mainly inner thighs) are super tender. I feel like I've got bruises all over them. It's really odd.
Best Moment This Week: I know it's small, but we raised the crib to its highest stage in preparation for Peyton. Kaleb laid in it and pretended to be a baby and it just really hit me. This is happening again!
Wnat I'm Looking Forward To: I get to see this little guy's face again this week! I love sonogram appointments. I think they should do them every time.

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About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.