September 19, 2012

Thirty Six Weeks

How Far Along: 36 Weeks
Size of Baby: I'm not even going to put the average size on here anymore because he's not going to be in it. I'm going to guess that he's somewhere close to 7 lbs now.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm at +14 for this week. According to all the books this is when I'm supposed to be leveling out, but it seems like now is when I'm actually gaining. I think I've been doing okay on my diet so I don't know what the deal is.
Maternity Clothes: All day every day.
Movement: He's still wiggling but in smaller movements.
Gender: It's a boy! Peyton Graham Satterwhite
Sleep: When I can breathe it's fine. I still get up about once a night to go to the bathroom though.
What I Miss: Being able to bend down without my legs going numb.
Cravings: Still thinking about fruit a alot. Bananas, apples, and grapes in particular.
Symptoms: This little dude must be sitting close to a nerve or something because there are moments throughout the day that my leg just goes numb or I get that dead leg feeling.
Best Moment This Week: I went to the doctor today and she said I'm already 2 cm dialated. Hopefully this means I'll progress much more quickly this go around.
What I'm Looking Forward To: We have a field trip next week to the library. Haha! Super fun

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About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.