January 29, 2011

Challenge 31 Day 1

This is a fourth generation blog idea. I saw it on a blog I read who linked it to a blog she reads who got it from a blog she reads. Who knows, it may go back even further. The basis of this post series is to challenge yourself to look at and apply Proverbs 31 by giving a post topic. If I can stick with it I'll have all 31 done by the end of February. This will mean that I'll have a couple posts a day somedays when something interesting happens. This is going to be a challenge for me because I've never been a very consistent blogger.

Day 1 What does beauty mean to you?
In the totally honest, superficial, and shallow aspect, it means clear skin, flat stomach, and well-groomed. In the not-so-superfcial aspect it has many more meanings. It is a pregnant woman playing with a child. A dead tired daddy taking time to spend with his kids. Someone who is totally in love with something and isn't afraid to show it. Children are beautiful because they are innocent and trusting. Elderly people are beautiful because they have lived a full live and have a peace about them. The thing about beauty is that it is so broad that, in someone's eyes, everyone is beautiful. You are beautiful to someone...your husband, your children, your parents, the person you never knew was looking up to you, your siblings, etc. Even on our "ugliest" days, we should remember this. We Are Beautiful.

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About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.