January 28, 2011


This week has been crazy. I got the stomach bug somewhere around 2 am on Thursday. I felt sick all day and stayed home from school. Eric did such a good job taking care of Kaleb and bringing me what I needed. I was so sick feeling and weak that I could barely lift my phone to text people. Everytime I changed positions it took about 5 minutes for the naseau to wear off. I never could lay on my left side. That sick feeling never went away in that position. By the end of the night I had eaten a handful of Wheat Thins and had a small glass of gingerale. I felt a little better by the time I went to bed, but since I'd slept all day it took awhile to doze off. Thankfully I still had some compazine from when I had my kidney stones, and those made me sleepy. When I woke up this morning I was still a little woozy but so much better than the day before. I went ahead and got read to go to work even though I was terribly weak. I only made it half a day before I had to go home and go to bed. I probably shouldn't have gone at all to be honest, but the school system engrains it in you that you can't miss school...EVER...upon penalty of death. Honestly, I feel guilty for being sick or for staying home with Kaleb when he's sick. Anyway, I came home and slept for a couple hours then Eric came and picked me up. We had to go to William Carey so I could register for my Spring class. For some reason it won't let me do it online, so I had to drive down there this afternoon. (Today was the last day to register without paying a $50 fine.) I'm all set for EDU 640 now. On the way back to Waybo we decided to go see the new casino just a few miles from our exit. It was pretty funny. It looks like a warehouse. Not worth the drive in my opinion. We came home, ate supper, put Kaleb to bed, did the taxes, and now I'm procrastinating working on some homework that's due Sunday for the class I'm taking right now. I won't be able to do it tomorrow because Eric and I are headed to Biloxi for the day. Hopefully I'll have a post on that tomorrow or Sunday. Well, enough time wasting. Back to work.

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About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.