February 3, 2011

Challenge 31 Day 6/January's Resolution Grade

Day 6
Has the world's definition of beauty ever jaded you?

There have been times, usually when I was in middle and high school, that I was totally self-conscience and would be jealous of the other girls who seemed to be beautiful and perfect. It wasn't until college or later that I truly understood that everyone, even the "perfect" girls, have parts of themselves they'd like to change. Once I met Eric my self-confidence went up because he always told me I was beautiful. He still does. Even when I'm having a fat day and complaining about my stretch marks and extra pounds, he tells me I'm the most beautiful person in the world. I feel bad for the young girls growing up in today's society because the world's definition of beauty is absolutely ridiculous. I would love to instill in my children a sense of self-confidence and the knowledge that they don't need approval from anyone except their Heavenly Father.

January's Grade D-
January's resolution was to be nicer to Lucy. It was awful. I've realized I'm just not a dog person. I would've given myself an F, but there were a few times when I restrained myself instead of getting mad. I don't know why she's so annoying. She acts like any dog would, but I just don't have the patience for her whining and eating Kaleb's food and barking at every little sound. I don't think I'll get another dog when she goes to doggie heaven.

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About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.