February 1, 2011

Challenge 31 Days 3 & 4

Yesterday was a crazy day so I didn't get to blog about Day 3. Today I'm going to blog about Days 3 and 4.

Day 3
Who is someone you know who inspires beauty?

I'm inspired by my cousin Katharine's wardrobe. I get inspired reading blogs by people I know from high school who seem to have their lives together. The girls in my Sunday School class who I hang out with inspire beauty in me in all sorts of ways. There are about 10 different girls who inspire me in all different ways. Some to take better care of my body, some my mind, some my spiritual life, some my finances, and some my home life. I try to embody a little bit of each one.

Day 4
Post a picture of you in your favorite outfit.

Here's the deal with this day's challenge: I don't really have one favorite outfit in particular. I love wearing pajamas, I have a favorite dressy outfit, I have a favorite casual outfit, but not one favorite in particular. I'll find some and upload them.

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About Me

I'm a happily married mother of two perfect little boys. I love my family, living in the South, reading, and teaching.